Monday, May 30, 2011
WIN THIS: Jessica's Gluten Free Granola
Well. Would you look at that. Blue skies! Sun! Warm air! I cannot believe it.
I thought for sure this weekend would round out with yet another dull, gloomy and rainy day—but Mother Nature pulled through for us up here in Michigan. It seems this very last day of our three-day weekend will be a glorious one! Three cheers from this girl.
Jason and I have decided to forgo the packing and purging in favor of an afternoon on the bluff. Last year, we spent many an afternoon on the bluff, strategically placed on our favorite blanket for the best in people- and lake-watching. Today will be the first time we've been out this year, and we're very much looking forward to it. Bonus about being downtown? Great walking paths. We went out last night for a 45-minute trek along the lake and through the cottages along it, and I'm hoping we can do the same again today for some easygoing exercise. But first, I must share with you my glorious breakfast.
Glorious day...glorious breakfast. It's perfect. And so simple, yet completely delicious. I mixed a serving size of Jessica's Gluten Free Vanilla Maple Granola with a partial serving of my favorite cold cereal, plus a few fresh berries, all of which was completed with a dash of skim milk. Divine.
When Jessica offered to send me a few samples of her granola, I was (of course) extremely excited. When the weather warms up, I tend to shift to cold cereals, leaving the hot oats behind...but I do love me some oats, so granola is often a welcomed replacement. But granola doesn't come with quite the nutritious tag you might think. Most granolas on the shelf are filled with sugar (and other ingredients) that up the calorie count rather quickly. You have to be careful of your serving size, and I'm guessing most of us aren't, opting instead to pour a nice, hefty bowl like we would any other cold cereal. But granola doesn't have to be unhealthy—you just have to play your cards right.
That's why I like Jessica's all natural, gluten free granola. No crazy ingredients, just wholesome goodness that promotes tons of flavor. I'll let my bag of Vanilla Maple Granola speak for itself:
No trans fats, no cholesterol and no preservatives. And I love that it's made with certified gluten-free oats. I don't need to worry about remaining gluten-free, but I know some of my readers do, which makes me all to happy to share this product with them. Especially since the nutritional facts are so good:
But remember, a serving size is only 1/4 of a cup. It looks like this:
Not as much as you thought, right?
But just enough to treat the taste buds to something good and healthy. Jessica sent me Almond Cherry and Chocolate Chip, too. And since I'm such a nice blogger, I've decided to give one of you a bag—you can choose between the two (I can't decide which one I'd rather keep)!
To enter, visit Jessica's website and browse her tasty list of granola recipes. Tell me which one you'd like to try the most in a comment below this post, and leave your email address. If you win, I will need to get in contact with you for your mailing address (and your granola of choice)!
For additional entries, do any of the following:
1) "Like" Jessica's Natural Foods on Facebook.
2) "Like" A Daily Dose of Fit on Facebook.
Contest ends on Friday, June 3 at midnight EST. The winner will be announced on Sunday, June 5th.
With that, I leave you! I'll be back tomorrow with a brand-new summer workout!
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