First and foremost, good luck to anyone and everyone running the Indy Mini today! I know for certain that my mom, sister and aunt will be at the starting line. I've been checking in on their training and they all sound confident, so I'm looking forward to hearing about the finish line. Key words for the day:
I found this quote on my parents' refrigerator, just above my mom's training log. I drove down to pick up my cousin, whose mom is my aunt that's also running. Wish I could be in Indy to cheer everyone on, but I'm having some serious fun with Julia, so it's all good.
Correction...both Jason and I are having some serious fun with Julia.
Today's agenda? A ride on a carousel and a trip to the chocolate shop.
I'll be exhausted when all is said and done, but I am totally OK with that.
Speaking of exhaustion, we got some new treadmills at the gym. While the old treadmills still work, these two new guys update the mix, that's for sure. And they're fantastic. They provide a much smoother ride on a surface that promotes a softer impact. It doesn't get much better than that, trust me. If you must be stuck on a treadmill, always best if it's a comfortable one. It's funny, some people shy away from them, preferring to use the old treadmills instead. I understand, we can all be creatures of habit. But when it comes to fitness equipment—the newer, the better. Case and point, the following:
Isn't the Internet great? You never know what you'll find. But I, for one, am glad that I won't find this equipment in my gym. I don't even know what's going on in any of the images above, never mind that they're all wearing their Sunday best.
I work out in long wool dresses, don't you?
Question: Which piece of equipment featured above would you most like to try out? I personally am intrigued by whatever the two gentlemen in the third picture are doing.