Tuesday, July 31. Let's all pause for a moment and wonder together where the summer is going so fast. Ridiculous, right? Completely. But the end of yet another month isn't necessarily cause for total dismay, at least not in these parts, for the end of the month is that time when bloggers across the Internet reveal Foodie Pen Pal goods. Are you a Foodie Pen Pal? You should be, even if you aren't a blogger. It's so fun! You get to give and receive awesome foods, you're guaranteed at least one cool delivery in your mailbox per month, and you get to connect with someone new.
Here are the details, should you feel so inclined to join in:
And here's what Jane of The Healthy Beehive sent me:
But that's not all. She included this chunk of homemade soap, too.
And it smells so, so good.
Almost as good as this tasted:
I had to put it in the 'fridge upon receipt because it was, well...sort of a peanut butter cup soup, what with the heat it encountered during transport. Still good, regardless, as are most of Justin's products.
I threw the packet of honey almond butter in the diaper bag with an apple before heading out to work on Monday.
I ended up dropping the apple after a few bites...no, literally, I dropped it on the floor of my car. But I ate the rest of the almond butter anyway.
I love that stuff too much to let it go to waste.
In fact, I loved everything she sent me, but my favorite might have been the tablet of Mad Libs. How long has it been since I've done any Mad Libs? I can't even tell you. The writer in me is a huge fan!
I made my husband pick out the words, which resulted in the following:
My favorite part? "The marathon, a 13-mile race..." If only.
Thanks for all the awesome goodies, Jane!
If you guys want to see what I sent my Pen Pal, visit Carly at Soak and Simmer. And if you wanna win an ICEdot bracelet, CLICK HERE for the details—it's the last day to get your entry in!