Monday, July 2, 2012

How to Clean a BOB Stroller

So I finally got around to makin' my BOB stroller like-new. You might recall that  Grandma and Auntie Marley found it at a garage sale for a steal. I'm all about steals (but NOT about stealing, just to be clear). It's still dirty in the picture above and upon closer inspection, you can see that it was in need of some minor TLC...and also that it's an older BOB model, but I'm OK with that because it functions quite nicely. And yes, I know that there were some recalls for faulty labels on these particular models, so I'll keep an eye on that. In the meantime, let's get to that closer inspection:
Teething child...or perhaps this stroller belonged to a child of the furry kind. As in, a werewolf or something. Seriously, what gives with the gnawed on straps...I'll never know. Or understand. Is this not why they make chew toys? Anyway. They can be replaced. And will be.

Dirt in a completely typical spot, which clearly does not concern me as it can be washed off. It just weirds me out...other people's dirt. Soap is the best. So I got out the good stuff we use to clean our cars:
But first, I needed water. And wouldn't ya know...I sprung a leak. Damn it to hell in a wicker basket, I sprung a friggen' leak:
But have no fear, pink duct tape is here. You think I'm kidding, but alas—I am not. It saved the day...or the spray, however you want to look at it.

I was able to hose the stroller down, scrub it good with the soap, re-hose it down and call it good.

I took a towel to it, mostly just the metal parts, but ultimately left it in the sun to dry.
I'd say that it cleaned up fairly decently. It looks great, despite the few tiny spots of wear and tear. I found a website that sells replacement parts, so I'll be ordering new seat straps and a safety leash here soon. And while I'm at it, I'll be downloading the user manual from the official BOB website because...
I think I need to learn a little bit more about the breaks. It rolled across the street as I was cleaning up my mess. Whoops! Good thing Hannah wasn't in it.

Question: Do you run with a stroller? Does it change the way you run? How old was your child before you started using your running stroller?


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