Friday, July 13, 2012

Workout Week: End-Week Express

It's Friday. You're exhausted. Just me? Didn't think so. The weekly grind takes it's toll, no? Yes, but it doesn't have to stop you from getting in one last workout before the weekend. Assuming you take weekends off. And if you don't, well...consider this a no-brainer type of workout. The kind were you can get through it in a jiffy with barely a thought, save for those dedicated to proper form and determination.

Just to be clear, you can do this on any day of the week. Please do so at your own risk—you'll want to check in with your physician if there's any question as to whether or not you should be doing this.

Let's get to it:

Some clarifications:

Hip-Width Squat with Calf Press
As you come out of the squat, press onto your toes to engage your calf muscles.

Single-Arm Knee-Touch Extensions
This is best clarified with a picture, courtesy of Ladies' Home Journal:

Single-Leg Hip Presses
On your back, keep one leg bent with your heel on the floor as you extend the other up toward the ceiling. Dig the heel into the ground, lifting your hips up while contracting your glutes and hamstrings. Repeat, then switch to the other side. 

As always, contact me with questions: dailydose (dot) notes (at) gmail (dot) com.


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