Wednesday, July 18, 2012

#WIAW: Fun, Food and Fitness

This month's theme for What I Ate Wednesday is so great. I can't believe I haven't participated yet.

Fun, food and fitness. I know, right? Let's focus on the "food" and "fitness" aspects, as I thin both of them are equally fun. And important. Let's face it—what's one without the other? An incomplete adventure in the world of healthy living, that's what. Food and fitness go together like Sandy and Danny. 

Any "Grease" fans out there?

I digress.

Why do food and fitness go together? Well...why does a car need gas? Without it, the car won't run. So without food our bodies won't move, shake and groove their way through life. When you add a certain level of physical activity to your daily routine, it becomes necessary to choose the right foods because it's form those foods that you'll find the energy you need to exist beyond couch potato status. So essentially, what you choose will ultimately make or break your fitness.

Healthy foods support basic bodily functions. 

Healthy foods fuel muscles to perform beyond the norm. 
Healthy foods repair broken cells, like those caused by exercise. (DOMS, anyone?)
Healthy foods help keep body fat percentages in check.

But really, when it comes to healthy foods, there's only one reason why they're so important.


It's true. I swear (literally and figuratively, as proven above).

Yesterday's lunch, for example:

I've been getting so many great things in my farm share that I've taken to making dump salads, which means that I grab all the produce out of my 'fridge and dump whatever I want into a bowl for lunch. It's a countertop salad bar, if you will. And so yesterday, everything I went for was either blue, green or purple.

BLUE: Blueberries
GREEN: Lettuce, Snap Peas, Avocado
PURPLE: Cabbage, Onion

Protein? On the side:

"Fried" egg on a slice of wheat toast with   Provolone cheese and some mashed up avocado. Best sandwich ever.


Baked chicken on wheat toast with a slice of Provolone and some Sweet Baby Ray's sauce, with a side of garlic kale chips and a sweet potato. Nom, nom, nom! Gone in a flash.

A few hours later, I finally snuck in my workout. Monday morning, I teach Circuit Sculpt and on Tuesdays, I like to follow that with some running. But the temps were against me so I opted to do my Cardio Core Blast workout from last week.

In case you missed last week's workouts, here's a recap:

Question: Do you eat the same stuff from week to week? What are some of your go-to meals and how do you get out of a meal planning rut?


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