Tuesday, July 24, 2012

WIN THIS: Be safe with ICEdot.

Whenever I leave for a run, my husband tells me to be safe. Safety, of course, is my number one priority. I don't run on crazy roads or in shady neighborhoods. Or when it's dark out. I play my music at a lower volume, and I keep an eye out for creepy people. All of which you, male or female, should be doing as well. But these actions don't necessarily make me (or you) immune to trouble. Things happen, freakishly so. But knock on wood—they haven't happened to me yet.

However, there is one thing I'm not good at in terms of safety—carrying identification. I hate being bogged down by excessive...stuff...when I'm running. This, of course, would prove to be a problem should something actually happen to me.

That's why I like my Road ID, and it's also why I like my new ICEdot bracelet.

Much like a Livestrong bracelet, this lightweight silicone bracelet slips over just about any wrist with ease. Of that I'm sure. Why is this a good thing? On every bracelet is a unique 8-digit number that any first responder can text to the phone number that's also on the bracelet. This 8-digit number is the key to your identity, important health information and emergency contacts. Information you might not be capable of providing if you were seriously injured. And it's so easy to set up on the official ICEdot website. It took me five minutes. I'm not even joking.

I'm also not joking about the need to run (bike or swim) safely, which is why I love that there's an ICEdot for everyone. Yep, even your kids. And if you're not a fan of the silicone bracelet, there are a few different options you can pick from. (I dig this one the best, for obvious reasons.)

There are also two different levels of membership into the ICEdot database. Free, which includes your profile and a glovebox form. Or there's the Premium membership, which also includes emergency contact notification, wearable tags, a starter kit and more for just $10 a year.

Whichever way you go, you're still covered.

And one of you can be covered for free, thanks to ICEdot and Daily Dose. I have an extra ICEdot bracelet, complete with a Free membership, that's ready to ship out to one lucky Daily Dose reader. All you have to do is leave a comment below—I want to know your #1 rule of safety when you're out running (or biking or swimming...or whatever it is you do). I'll pick one person at random after midnight on Tuesday, July 31, 2012.

The winner will be announced on Wednesday, August 1, 2012.

For more information, feel free to follow ICEdot on Twitter or Facebook

Note: Doing so does not get you additional entries.

Disclaimer: The ICEdot bracelet above was sent to me free of charge and without payment for writing this review. All opinions are my own.


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