Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fitness is fun.

My office is finally clean. I only have one more pile to go through. It's a pile of fitness books, actually. They are most likely outdated, but I cannot bring myself to throw them away because A) I hoard books, and B) old books tend to be really cool. Especially old fitness books because the fitness industry is constantly changing and it's fun to look back at where things were and/or how far things have come. For example, I found this in another pile:

It's a coloring book for kids from 1994. Judging by the slogans on the t-shirts, the content is clearly still relevant! Obviously working out is cool. And being fit is clearly in. I mean, duh. Right? Check out the first page:

Serious rules to live by, folks. I especially love the last "thing to remember." Such a great message to send to children, those in 1994 and those in 2013. Oh, and adults...you should be proud of yourselves, too. Just sayin'.

Here's a walking workout from the book. Pin it for your kiddos:

If you attempt this workout and make up your own steps, I beg you to send me a video.

Question: If you have children, how do you encourage them to get involved with fitness? Do they run with you? Participate in sports? Hannah is almost old enough for a parent/tot gymnastics class. I can't wait!


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