Monday, April 29, 2013

#ChiWomensHalf Training Update, Week 8

It's official: The mileage is increasing. Mom and I ran six miles on Saturday, and it's onward and upward to seven miles this coming weekend. I'm feeling highly motivated, most likely because the weather is extremely gorgeous right now, so it's a huge bummer that I'm sick. Yeah...sick. It could be allergies, but I'm guessing it's a virus of some sort because I'm also lacking in the energy department. My munchkin has bronchitis. Perhaps we're passing it back and forth. I mean, I cannot even count how many times I've been sneezed on over the past few days.

Anyway. I won't dwell on being sick.
We had a great week of running, my legs and I.

I added an extra mile and a half to my Thursday run because the legs were feeling good and the weather was the best its been in a long time. I ran one of my favorite paths downtown, but detoured a bit to swing by the husband's office for a quick "hello."

Speaking of favorite paths. Check this out:

Respect the running path, people! Seriously. I don't care if your little league parking lot is full. That does not give you permission to park on the running path. IT DOES NOT! I ended up having to push Hannah in the street for about 20 car lengths. Not safe! And why...someone explain to me why these people did not parallel park in the grass. Confession: I called the cops. I was nice about it, I don't think they ultimately did anything about it, but I called them anyway just in case they might. I mean, the city did pay to have this nice running path put in, I just thought maybe they'd want to know that cars were using it as a parking lot.

Getting off my plyo box now...

Question: Did you run this weekend? How far? See anything interesting along your path?


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