Sunday, April 14, 2013

#ChiWomensHalf Training Update, Week 6 (and a @KonaKase discount code for you)

Week 6 of my half marathon training plan is done. And it was quite uneventful, although I did snag an outside run. In the rain. Catch this photo on Instagram?

I ended up running Sunday's five-miler in the gym on Saturday morning. Although I should most definitely have done it outside. I don't know why I didn't, to be honest. It was cold out, but not raining. Honestly, I was too lazy to go back inside and change out of my shorts and into my running pants, so I just kept on my way to the gym. Stupid me.

I split five miles between the treadmill and the track. Three on the treadmill, two on the track. I totally did not have the attention span for inside running this weekend. Maybe it's because I really should have been outside. Not inside:

Clearly I was not a happy runner.

Anyway, it's done.
Another successful week of running in the books.

Here's to increasing my long distance to six miles.
There's no way I can do six miles inside.
It better be nice next weekend.

Note: The following content is sponsored by Kona Kase. As a FitFluential Ambassador, I was given the opportunity to review the March box of goodies. (Feel free to stop reading if you don't like sponsored content.) I was not paid to provide my opinions, which are all (obviously) my own. That said, let's continue (or not, if you don't want to)...

One thing I have to be really careful about when I'm training—my hunger levels. They tend to skyrocket because of the added cardio. Last time I trained for a half marathon, I ate far too much Nutella (because I was living at home and my parents always have it in the cupboard). I didn't gain horrendous amounts of weight, but I did gain just a bit (because my wedding dress was a tad tighter than it should be—I got married a few short weeks after the race.) So because of this, I've learned that pre- and post-run nutrition is really key. Good fuel gives the body what it needs to perform. And, obviously, it helps it recover.

I keep a lot of fruit in the kitchen, and carbs that are as clean as can be. Obviously there's a ton of protein options around, too. But I don't always have the time to put something together for myself. I typically train in the morning, which has me rushing out the door and then rushing back in the door so that I can get myself cleaned up, get my daughter up and then get myself back to work.

Long story short: I need quick snacks, so the packaged stuff—if it's good—can really help me out in a pinch. Enter Kona Kase.

I loved everything in it.

For just $15, you get one box filled with eight healthy snacks to fuel your workouts and/or healthy lifestyle. That makes each item less than $2—reasonable, right? If you sign up for more than one month, the monthly fee gets even cheaper. (And yes, shipping is free.)

Not convinced? Just wanna try it once before you totally commit to a subscription? Use code ADDOF at checkout to get 50% off one month. That's, um...$7.50 for eight healthy snacks. Pretty cheap, right? And you can cancel your subscription at any time, so you can totally cancel after you get your first month on the discount if you think it's not for you.

Anyway, that's my deal for you today.

Oh, and these three people get a sweet deal, too (i.e. free Green Mountain Coffee).

Don't their coffee choices sound so great?

Question: What is your favorite post-run/post-workout snack?


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