Today is Monday, March 7, 2011. Just one year ago on this very day, I nervously hit "publish post" and waited anxiously to see if anyone would notice. And here I sit today, completely noticed. Even followed. And I couldn't be happier. We've come a long way, me and my blog. And we're continuing to grow and change. To celebrate, because birthdays must be celebrated, I bought my blog (translation: myself) a sinful little cup of chocolate mousse with a bit of Irish flair. It is March, after all.
As I look back on all that I've written over this past year, I can't help but think of all the things I wish to write in the future. This industry I am a part of, this life I am living, is blessed with an ever-growing, ever-changing status that leaves me with much to share. New workouts, new workout equipment. And, of course, tasty new recipes. Over the course of the next year, I hope to continue growing this lovely little place on the Internet. It's for you, and I want to make sure you're getting the information you are looking for. I want to make sure you're getting your daily dose of fit.
I can only hope to leave you inspired, ready and willing to take on the fit life. Life is really too short to live any other way. And you CAN live the fit life, no matter what you think. Or currently feel. Every last bit counts. Every. Last. Bit.
With that, I must tell you: I am truly looking forward to the rest of March, too. I think it will be the starting point of a great year #2 for Daily Dose. I value your opinion, and will be seeking it shortly in an effort to improve upon what I've already done. I also—because really, you can't have a birthday without presents—have a number of excellent giveaways lined up. Some of my most favorite products will soon be coming your way (if you're the lucky winner) and I can't wait to tell you about them. Really, they're so super fun and exciting! I might as well just announce the first one right now.
Hello, Oxygen! If you've been following me, you have probably noticed my absolute devotion to this magazine. I reference it both personally and professionally, and I think it's divine. Really, truly probably the best woman's fitness magazine out there. And the people at Robert Kennedy Publishing have agreed to give one lucky Daily Dose-er a subscription. I KNOW, RIGHT! So cool. (Note: The magazines above are from my personal collection and will not be the exact magazines you receive, just thought I'd tell ya.)
To enter, leave a comment below and tell me one reason why Oxygen should be in your mailbox. Additional entries can be received by doing one or more of the following:
1) Follow Oxygen on Facebook.
2) Subscribe to Daily Dose.
3) "Like" Daily Dose on Facebook.
During my last giveaway, I announced that I would only accept the last two if you were a new subscriber or if you newly "like"ed me on Facebook. Well, now I think that's just silly! I appreciate all the attention you give me, so OF COURSE I'll count those entries now!
Be sure to leave a separate comment for each additional entry you deserve, otherwise I won't know to count it. (Ugh, boring business stuff...)
This contest will end at midnight EST on Wednesday, March 9, 2011. It's a quickie! The winner will be announced on Thursday, March 10, 2011. G'luck! And really, thanks for reading. You have no idea how much it means to me. Truly. Here's to a great year behind us, and a fun March ahead...