It's a hard fact that we bloggers stick together. We support each other with guest posts, we follow each other in our Google Readers and sometimes we even meet up. But most importantly, we reward each other for a job well done. Very recently, a dear reader of mine bestowed upon me the 7 Facts Blog Award. It's not an Oscar, not even an Emmy. In all actuality, it's much like chain mail—but it's way more fun, and it actually means something. (It means something to me, anyways.)
The "dear reader" that nominated me was Erin, and she writes Creative Soul in Motion. It's a wonderful blog that "is meant to inspire and motivate others to take every day as a wonderful chance to try new things and embrace the positive changes within themselves." Had she not already gotten the 7 Facts Blog Award, I would have given it right back to her. So instead, I must keep the recognition alive by bestowing it upon another set of 15 wonderful bloggers. But first, I owe you 7 facts about me (that's part of the deal). And to keep it fun and exciting, I won't make any of them about fitness! (Because you already hear enough about that from me, so let's take a break...)
1) I was a cheerleader for 11 years (GO TEAM!) from grade school to high school, and then for three years in college. And somewhere in my parents' basement is a bag full of pom poms. I refuse to throw them out. They're blue and white and sparkly, and there's even a red set from that one year my squad got to cheer in the pre-game show at the Citrus Bowl in Florida.
2) An essay I wrote in college was published in a book that one of my professors wrote. It was about Waikiki Beach in Hawaii, where I had just spent my spring break. We must have been studying travel writing at the time, I honestly can't remember.
3) I have a sister. She's fantastic. And also probably pinching me in this picture. We do that to each other.
4) I went to a New Kids on the Block concert in 4th grade. Floor seats. I held up Jordan Knight's picture the whole time because I was madly in love with him and thought FOR SURE he would notice me. Needless to say, I was certain he did. Probably because I was holding his picture upside-down the whole time. EPIC FAIL.
5) I hate tuna. It's so gross. And it smells like rotten sea. In fact, only recently have I started eating fish. For example, I just found out that I do like salmon. For the longest time, I'd take a bite of it...any fish...and feel as though I was eating fish eyeballs.
6) I live by (not on) the beach. Although right now, it looks nothing like this because I also live in Michigan. And in Michigan, it's still very cold and yukky out. But not snowing! And that's important.
7) I wear an Elsa Peretti Open Heart pendant from Tiffany around my neck every single day. I really only take it off if I'm A) getting married or B) swimming in a lake or ocean. And I already got married, so that leaves me to deal with lakes and oceans. I bought it my junior year in college, using whatever I had left from my nights out on the town. I would stash all my extra cash in an envelope I had hidden in my desk drawer. It taught me discipline, it taught me to wait for something I really wanted...and it reminds me much of the same today. I feel naked without it.
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for! A list of 15 blogs worthy of your attention (and the 7 Facts Blog Award):
1) A Foodie Stays Fit
3) Daily Garnish
4) Eating Bird Food
5) f i t . g i r l . c a r i
6) Food Loves Writing
7) Jammin' in the Kitchen
8) Little Black Dress Personal Training
9) (never home)maker
10) Simply Life
11) The Appetite of Life
12) The Edible Perspective
13) The Novice Chef Blog
14) Un-deux Senses
15) Young House Love
Check 'em out when you get a chance! And don't forget to check out Erin's blog!
Question: If you had to list 7 facts about yourself, what would one of them be? In other words, tell me something about you that I don't already know!