Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Eat and live proactively against breast cancer."

Are you familiar with Dr. Aaron Tabor? I'm not either, so I did some research and discovered that his work focuses on prevention through nutrition. Obviously that's something I can get behind. Why bring him up? I subscribe to the Hungry Girl newsletter and today's edition mentions Dr. Tabor's new book (shown at right). He's actually giving it away for free, and ladies, I urge you to get a copy! Visit Dr. Tabor's website and sign up for his newsletter, after which you can download your copy of the book. I got mine, and though I haven't read it completely, I can see some solid information within—but I will say that I disagree with his note to "use two high-protein shakes or bars as meal replacements for breakfast and lunch." I think we can figure out how to get protein without resorting to premade meals, right? But when it comes to preventing breast cancer, I'll take all the information I can get which is why I'm still suggesting you get your free copy of the book. You should want all the information you can get, too.

Question: Are you diligent about breast self-exams?

And on a completely unrelated note, I'd like to wish my lovely sister a very happy birthday. Gone are the days where you feared Teddy Ruxpin, my how you've grown into an incredible young woman. Love you, lady.


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