I do my best to make sure that my diet supports my exercise plan, which means I make an effort to choose food wisely—though I'll be the first to admit that I'm not perfect. (Cupcake girl, that's me.) (And I die for chocolate every time.) Given that there's a significant lack of natural food stores in my hometown, I was all too elated to drive by The Jackson Whole Grocer on the way to our hotel. With some time to spare after my run on Friday, I was able to pay a visit.
There's something about a natural food store that fascinates me. I love browsing the aisles one by one, checking out all of the interesting items that don't typically make an appearance at mainstream, budget-friendly food stores. You never know what healthy alternative you'll stumble upon! For example, I found this NuttZo PF (peanut-free) nut butter. It mixed cashews with Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, almonds and flax, chia and pumpkin seeds to create something that I imagine would be absolutely delightful on any apple—but the $22.95 price tag made me vomit a little in my mouth. (There will come a day, dear readers, where I will splurge and try this wonderful item. And if you've already done so, please tell me how it tastes!)
Needless to say, I quickly moved on to the next aisle. And the next, until I walked out with a bag full of goodies.
Items include:
• carob energy nuggets
• wild rice
• yogurt
• green tea mints
• a zucchini-carrot loaf
• granola bars
• fruit leather
• rice protein
And let me just say—Siggi's Icelandic style skyr strained non-fat yogurt is quite possibly the best yogurt I've ever eaten. And it's not even Greek yogurt, which you all know is my absolute favorite. If you live near a natural food store, pop in for a look-see and pick up your own cup of Siggi's. Maybe some other stuff, too. Again, you just never know what healthy alternative you'll stumble upon when you forgo the budget-friendly food stores.