Sunday, August 1, 2010

Super Supersets

I few days ago, I posted an interesting statistic from Oxygen about supersets—they burn 33% more calories than a program that allows you to rest in between sets. And after I posted said statistic, a friend of mine asked me to recommend a few good supersets. Remember, the goal of a superset is to work opposing muscle groups while eliminating lengthy rest periods, so pay attention to how much time you spend in between each sets. BUT...don't speed through your workout. (Notes on speed coming tomorrow!) Give these favorites a try (they're in no particular order) and see if you notice the difference, you'll likely recognize each exercise. If not, let me know as I'd be happy to explain.

1) Hip Adductions/Hip Abductions
2) Mountain Climbers/Crunches
3) Pushups/Pullups
4) Leg Presses/Dead Lifts
5) Chest Presses/Bent Rows
6) Concentration Curls/Single-Arm Triceps Extension
7) Leg Extensions/Hamstring Curls
8) Hammer Curls/Triceps Presses
9) Bicep Curls/Triceps Dips
10) Dumbbell Flyes/Cable Rows

One last note—feel free to vary any of the above to increase intensity. I kept it basic to illustrate opposing muscle groups. For example, flip over a BOSU and balance on it as you do Mountain Climbers. And when you crunch, hold the BOSU above your head for an extra bit of resistance.

Did I forget a super superset? Share your favorite if it isn't listed above!


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