Monday, June 29, 2015

First Female (...and that one time I hung upside down)

So this weekend, I ran a local 5K that started at 11:00PM. The Ready, Set Glow 5K. One of my trainers planned it, and I signed up to support his efforts. The race itself was the very last event at our county's Relay For Life. Support my friend AND his efforts to raise money for the fight against cancer? Yes.

Let me back up for a second: I ran on Saturday morning, too.

I meet my running group every Saturday morning at 7:00AM. This morning's route was super hilly. I was scheduled for 8 miles, but knew I'd be running later so I didn't hesitate to stop after the first loop. (We always loop back on the hour to pick up new runners.)

The hills...they kicked my butt. And by the time I needed to get ready for the 5K, I was pretty much ready for my pajamas. Not my running shoes. But, the friend, right? So I sucked it up and went. And here's the thing, it was a small field and he knew that going into it, so this whole week he kept telling me that "I could probably finish first." And when I got there, he reminded me of that again.

So basically, I knew I had to show up.
Here's the chain of events.

1) I forgot to turn my Garmin on.
2) I seriously hauled ass.
3) I was the first female to finish.
4) I almost puked when I stopped running.


That's a 7:30ish mile.
Holy what.

Pretty sure that's also a new, unofficial PR for me. I finished the Ice Fest 5K in 24:36 and some change. Also, it's amazing what you can do when someone vocally challenges you for an entire week.

Now, I have my sights set on another (slightly bigger) local 5K to see what I can do up against a larger field (during the day and on fresh legs). I'm getting faster and I'm loving it. I guess I'm getting a trophy, too, for my first-place finish. My first running trophy! Hooray!

I'm also loving this:

I hired a yoga instructor that is certified to teach Unnata yoga, which is a form of aerial yoga.
Seriously, it's awesome. I did a 45-minute test class this morning. (I'm the one with the pink mat.) #wanttoplaymore

Question: Ever try Aerial yoga? What's your favorite non-traditional exercise class right now? Anything totally unique I should be exploring for my gym?

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The sun safety tip every runner needs to know... #NationalSunglassesDay #SunglassSelfie

The following post is sponsored by The Vision Council. I received a Sun Safe Swag Bag, including sunglasses from Optic Nerve, in exchange for my opinions which are (as always) my own.

I like to run outside. This isn't always possible, but when I make it happen, I soak up every last ounce of all that Mother Nature offers me. Birds, blooms...

...all the sights, sounds and smells totally motivate me to keep going.

Here's the thing, though. Running outside means running in the sun, which means running in harmful UV rays. Don't worry, I'm not going to lecture you on the importance of applying sunscreen. Unless you run underneath a rock, you've heard that one before. No, the sun safety tip I want to talk about today is directly related to sunscreen of another kind.


See, I'm typically a cheap-sunglasses kind of girl (because I usually break and/or lose them). I buy what I like. Fashion before function. So the sunglasses I do own don't necessarily serve any function while I'm running. They shade my eyes, but I'm not sure they do any actual protecting.

A few weeks ago, The Vision Council invited me to a webinar during which I learned all about sun safety as it relates to eye wear. Specifically, as it relates to wearing sunglasses when you EXERCISE outside.

Do you do this?
Do you wear sunglasses when you exercise outside?

It's a crapshoot for me. Sometimes I do, mostly to stop me from squinting. But this webinar, it taught me that sunglasses serve a really important role in outdoor exercise. Even when it's overcast. Truth: One in four Americans rarely or never wear sunglasses outside.

This is bad, guys! Your eyes can actually get sunburned, which leads to things like cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Translation: UV rays can mess with your vision and the skin around your eyes, too. So let's talk about this. Let's talk about the fact that we should be wearing sunglasses when we run outside. That's the sun safety tip that every runner needs to know!

When do we runners typically like to run outside? Morning and late afternoon/evening, right? Well, from 8:00AM to 10:00AM and from 2:00PM-4:00PM, UV rays are at their peak.

It's easy: Invest in a comfortable pair of sunglasses that protect your eyes from the sun. Now, when I say "invest," I don't necessarily mean blow your wallet on a pair that you'll only wear when you run. That's a myth: Good sunglasses don't have to cost a fortune, although it's true that some do. Another myth: Good running sunglasses aren't cute. Proof:

The Vision Council so graciously sent me this pair of Optic Nerve polarized sunglasses for participating in the webinar, along with a few other sun essentials (like a beach ball and lotion). I've been wearing them all over the place because they weigh next to nothing and are super comfortable.

Let's get back to the point, though. You need running sunglasses. Here are a few things to consider:

1) Not all sunglasses have UV protection, and UV protection has nothing to do with the darkness of the lens. So always look for the indicative little sticker. You can also take your current pair to an optometrist, who might have the technology in-office to test your current lenses for UV protection.

2) If you're getting yourself a pair, splurge on some protection for your kiddos, too. Their eyes don't filter out UV rays like yours do.

3) Clouds don't necessarily hinder the effects of UV rays, which means you CAN and SHOULD wear sunglasses when it's cloudy. And the right pair won't decrease your ability to see. You can actually buy clear and/or light lenses that still provide UV protection.

4) If you wear prescription eyeglasses or contacts, you still need to protect your eyes from the sun. See your optometrist for help picking out the right pair.

5) The sun doesn't go away in the winter. If you run outside in the winter, you should still protect your eyes from UV rays. Winter goggles can often be purchased with UV protection if you run in extreme amounts of snow.

And then there's this:

6) "More than any other organ but skin, the eye can suffer significant injury from the sun." —The Vision Council

I don't know about you, but I'm newly motivated to make sunglasses a part of my everyday routine now more than ever. And today more than ever: It's National Sunglasses Day! Hooray! Take a #SunglassSelfie and share it with everyone on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Question: Do you wear sunglasses when you run? Do you have multiple pairs for multiple activities?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

#linklove: Good Reads from Around the Internet, #workoutwednesday Edition!

I know, I's so nice out, the last place you want to be is at a computer reading things. That's what cloudy days are for. Or maybe that's what you do at night before you hit the hay. So here, a few things you might want to check out. And since it's technically #workoutwednesday, each article is directly related to (obviously) working out! Yay!

1) I recently turned one of my personal trainers into a group fitness instructor. He was totally hesitant and completely nervous about it, but I swore he'd do just fine. Truth: It's fun, and equally nerve-wrecking, to get up in front of a class full of people. If you're considering it, and even if you're a seasoned group fit instructor, you might like these eight tips.

2) Every personal trainer is different. That's the beauty of this industry, we can all bring something to the table—and we can totally learn from each other. Here, 100 rules of a successful personal trainer.

3) Do you like Spinning classes? Me, I love them...actually, I teach them. But this week, I got to TAKE one because I needed to check out a potential new instructor. So instead of focusing on the class from a leadership perspective, I got to focus on me, myself and my bike. Which makes this article with 30 things that go through your head in a Spinning class a bit more relatable. Note: It's hilarious.

4) It's no secret that I love running half marathons. I'd run them all if I could afford them. Closest I've ever put two together? A little over a month apart. And I might do the same again this year, so I'm going to pocket these tips for running back-to-back races.

5) I'm always looking for new ways to "torture" my students in Barre Fit. I like exercises that use little to no equipment. And if I can do high rep/low weight, even better. When I saw these five moves for arms and abs, I added them to my repertoire of go-to moves.

6) As a fitness director, I am constantly trying to bring new and exciting things to my gym. Current project? Arial yoga. I'm doing a test class on Monday morning. Wonder if she'll show me any of these nine poses that defy gravity.

7) I love pistol squats. Can you do them?

8) What do you worry about when you work out?

9) One of the biggest reasons people skip their workouts? Lack of time. Here are 20 tips to help you make sure you don't miss a workout.

10) Yes, you can tone your abs without crunches.

Question: What do you find yourself worrying about when you work out?

Monday, June 22, 2015

Breaking the Coffee Habit with @NakedJuice: Can I do it? #TryNakedJuice

It's not always easy or convenient to fit fruits and vegetables into your morning routine, but Naked Juice provides another option to make sure you are getting your daily dose of goodness. So, hey...if you can't eat 'em, drink 'em! Thank you Naked Juice for sponsoring this post.

The coffee addiction is real, folks. Too real. After a solid workout, especially after I go running, I want coffee. Iced. With non-fat milk and a shot of caramel. So bad, right? I should be guzzling water or some type of protein. iced coffee, please. So good, and so refreshing (hence, the addiction). But it's a proven fact that coffee...well, best consumed BEFORE your workout. Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it wakes up the systems of the body while providing a burst of energy.

So when Clever Girls reached out on behalf of Naked Juice with the opportunity to try their new Berry Almond Nutmilk, I though "yes...healthy and delicious alternative, let's do it."

I love Naked Juice, mostly the fruity flavors. Mighty Mango all the way. But I also love almond milk and blueberries.

Not gonna lie: Smoothies rock because you can sip your fruits and veggies, which is super-convenient when you're on-the-go. Also not gonna lie: Smoothies can be a pain to make when you're, well...on-the-go.

Me: Always on the go.
Check out these ingredients:

Naked Juice would call that "Mother Nature's bounty," all bottled up in a convenient little container ready and waiting to be consumed. If you're curious, Berry Almond Nutmilk is gluten-free, vegan and dairy-free. #winning

How does it taste?

Loosely translated, that visual means this bottle is filled with deliciousness. Any combination of almonds and berries is typically a winner, at least in my book. Add apples and bananas and it's over-the-top. One thing I struggled with just a bit—the texture. It was a little gritty, but I think that's to be expected when you grind up almonds. Right?

Key thing to remember: Each bottle is two servings, unlike some other flavors.
The other day, I threw a bottle in my gym bag instead of packing an iced coffee.

Boy, was it hard to leave that coffee behind! Old habits die hard (or don't die at all, honestly). But it worked for me, it satisfied my need to eat something. And I ended up sipping on it while I got some work done, too.

Full disclosure: I'm typing this post out as I drink an iced coffee, but Naked Juice has reminded me that there are other options better-suited to my post-workout routine. Consider the coffee habit not broken, but a few lessons have been learned:

1) There is life without coffee.
2) I need to make more smoothies.
3) Naked Juice is nice to have in the 'fridge.

Ultimately, when it comes to post-workout refreshments, you gotta do what works for you. But if you're struggling with coffee addiction (not always a problem), or if you're looking for something else to grab and go, try Naked Juice. Bonus: They're widely available which means you'll have easy access to fruits and veggies if you can't pack them yourself.

Here, I've got five coupons to give away to one lucky Daily Dose reader.

Will it be you?

Contest ends Friday, June 26, 2015 at midnight, EST. One winner will be chosen and notified as soon as possible. Contest is only open to residents of the United States (boo...sorry).

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Weekend Update: Seven miles, tons of smiles.

An extremely busy week capped itself off with a nice, relaxing weekend. We saw a lot of sun, spent a lot of time together as a family and generally just got stuff done (sort of). I started my Saturday with a seven mile run.

I've been following an adapted version of the half marathon training plans in Train Like a Mother. When I trained for my last half marathon, I got bored with going out and focusing on the addition of miles. I wasn't bored with running, so I knew this meant that I needed to change my approach. Thinking about things like "tempo" and "intervals" and "race pace" have be newly inspired. 

Here's what the Garmin said after Saturday's run:

Like my bracelet? Save 10% (affiliate link).
I don't ever expect to be a flash of lightening in running shoes, but I'm feeling faster and generally just stronger when I run. 


After Saturday's seven miles, I hung out at a coffee shop for an hour to get some freelance work done. And then I took a yoga class.

I don't get to take the yoga classes at my gym very often because they're usually during the classes that I teach and/or at the times that I have personal training clients. But this weekend, I needed to observe a potential new instructor and the class was absolutely everything I needed after a long run.

Verdict: Hired.

By the time I got home, the house was in full-swing, toys-everywhere mode and it was off to the parenting races. We put on our bathing suits and headed to one of our favorite spots in town:

We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful town. Sure, we have the beach. But this fountain, all the cute little shops. Definitely spoiled.

And speaking of "spoiled," Hannah and I got up early to hit the store for donuts this morning. Because #fathersday, and daddy loves his donut with sprinkles. Seriously, my kids have an awesome father. We spent a lot of time today just hanging out as a family. The kids played in the backyard while Jason and I took turns running after them. Yep, still keep the kids off the blog...which is probably a good thing, because otherwise, it'd be a continuous roll of cute that has nothing to do with getting your daily dose of fitness.

Kind of like this:

Fresh margarita while sunbathing, followed closely by food on the grill, homemade ice cream and more playtime with the kids.

And now, here I sit. Getting ready for tomorrow. 
Another training run scheduled for the morning.

Another Monday. 
Another week.

Question: What's the one thing you love the most about your town? Something you couldn't live without if you ever had to move?

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

#thefitdish Interview: Personal Achievements and Small Ways to Empower the Women Around You

We bloggers like to unite in support of each other. One way we do this: Link-ups. For you readers out there that don't blog, this involves a common topic and the collection of links on the host blogger's site. One of my favorite link-ups takes place every Tuesday: The Fit Dish Link-Up, which is hosted by Jessica and Jill. I mean, obviously I want to #dishthefit. This week's topic is pretty fun:

Jessica and Jill posted a series of questions for us to answer. These questions come directly from a Lorna Jane campaign that ran earlier this year. Its goal was to spread girl power, and the questions were posed to Lorna Jane Clarkson herself. (If you're not familiar with Lorna Jane, it's essentially a woman's activewear company and everything is adorable. I reviewed their NOURISH cookbook, in which everything is/looks delicious.)

So, here are the questions and my corresponding answers. Fun stuff!

1) What is your proudest achievement to date?
My children. Before I got pregnant with Hannah, I imagined what it would be like to go through pregnancy. I'm pretty active and reasonably strong, but birthing a child is no small's quite humbling, no matter the experience. When I see my kiddos, when I watch them grow and change and be who they are...I can't help but think the most cliche thing: My heart is truly walking around outside of my body: I did that...I created that little person. Every day is a challenge, but I'm so very proud, humbled and honored to be their momma.

2) What keeps you passionate?
Learning. Reading. Seeking. Doing. Being. Loving. And most importantly, believing. Because if I stop doing any of that stuff, I truly just stop. And life is meant to be a series of things that keep going.

3) What makes you the most proud to be a woman?
All the women who make a difference in this world. That's not to say I don't believe in the men of this world, or that I can't be proud of them, but women have always fought the hard fight (historically speaking). So when I see or hear about a woman making a difference in the lives of others, or achieving something substantial on a small or large scale—that makes me proud to be one myself.

4) Why is it important for women to unite as a sisterhood and empower each other?
Because we can, so why not? And because our daughters, nieces and littlest members of the great sisterhood are watching.

5) What are some examples of some small ways we can empower the women around us in our day to day life?
1) Catch yourself judging other women, and stop yourself from doing it.
2) Be nice, pay compliments, exude positivity.
3) Listen...and I mean, really listen when they talk to you.
4) Reach out, use the phone...connect in real life.
5) Don't express or show doubt. Believe in them and their dreams.
6) Be honest. Always.
7) Little girls are miniature women. Respect them, too.

6) What is one piece of advice you'd like to share with the fitfam?
Life isn't a competition. It's a series of adventures meant to be lived and shared, one by one, alone and with each other. Be happy with that. For you, and for those around you. Don't spend your days comparing and contrasting. Spend them uniting with others, men and women alike.

Question: What makes YOU the most proud to be a woman?

Monday, June 15, 2015

@IDEAfit #BlogFest with #SweatPink: Conference Tips from @CoachHenness

You. Guys. In one month, I'll be in Los Angeles for the IDEA World Fitness Convention and BlogFest with SweatPink. This is a total bucket list item for me, and I'm attending from two perspectives: That of a fitness blogger and that of a working fitness professional. To say that I am excited is a huge understatement. I'm also quite grateful to have been paired up with a BlogFest Buddy, Tiffany from Thoroughly Thriving.

Pair a newbie with an experienced smart.

I decided to reach out to her with a series of random questions, all of which will help me prepare for my adventure. Since this will be a new experience for me, I'm so grateful she was willing to answer the following. Maybe these BlogFest tips will help YOU if you're planning to attend:

Tara: What kind of clothing should I pack?

Tiffany: Workout clothes are a MUST—but also bring a sweatshirt or comfy track pants to layer with. Some sessions at IDEA World will be sitting/listening in an air conditioned room and it's no fun being sweaty and shivering through a lecture. Bring one nice casual outfit for the evening networking party.

Tara: Awesome. Definitely using this event as an excuse to get a few new things. Did you bring your computer to the conference, or did it stay in your hotel room?

Tiffany: A laptop can be useful for taking really good notes, yes. But carrying it around can be a real pain. Getting a bluetooth enabled keyboard to type notes into your mobile device can be just as effective and a lot less heavy!

Tara: I'll be taking the old-fashioned route. Pen and paper:

Tara: I hear there's some serious swag. Will I need an extra bag to get it home?

Tiffany: YES. You might not want to take home everything you accumulate during the conference. Last year, we got exercise equipment, shoes and at the Expo I won a pull up bar. Make sure you have the option to decide if you want to bring it all home by traveling light TO the expo with an empty duffel in your suitcase that you can convert into a carry-on on the way home. If you're driving, then you can stuff your car with any goodies your airplane traveling friends couldn't take.

Tara: Definitely not driving, so I'll be stuffing a duffel in my suitcase. In addition, I'll be traveling with a small suitcase and my Apera gym bag. Lots of pockets, room for tons of snacks. So, my next question...what is the food like? Are meals easy to find?

Tiffany: There are restaurants within walking distance of the convention center and a few places that will have bites to eat. On the weekend, though, not all of those places will be open. Food inside the convention center will be your typical sandwich/cafe style food and at the IDEA Expo there will be snacks. I highly recommend joining a grocery group on the first day or bringing some shelf-stable snacks that you can rely on. You'll burn a lot of calories with all the workouts and need to refuel throughout the day. If you have specific dietary needs, all the more reason to make sure you've got your own supply!

Tara: Really hoping I can find some fresh fruit when I get there...definitely need to discover a grocery group! I will probably pack some oatmeal and peanut butter packets, along with the usual granola bars and snacks. I always travel with food, although I fully expect to sample like crazy at the expo, too. What is the expo like, anyway? Any advice for navigating it?

Tiffany: The best way to navigate it is to research in advance who will be there. If there are any booths at the expo that you MUST visit, look at the map when you get there and make sure you hit those FIRST. If not, it's always best to start at one end and work your way up and down the aisles. That way, you can come and go between sessions and know where you left off.

Tara: I totally like to snake my way from one end to the other at these things, but will scope out the brands, for sure. I know I need to find ACE, and I'm on the hunt for a new yoga mat, so I'll have to see what brands are there that might sell them. Any advice on interacting with these brands?

Tiffany: Have your "elevator pitch" ready. If you were riding an elevator and your dream sponsor person walks in and asks you if you know any good bloggers to work with, you'd have maybe one or two minutes to sell yourself. What would you say? In two or three sentences, how would you describe what makes you unique and what you can offer? Practice it and try out a few different approaches.

Tara: Speaking of meeting people. What it's like to share a room with someone you've never met? I'm rooming with three other people that I've never met in person. 

Tiffany: Sometimes sharing tight spaces with relative strangers is a much more considerate and thoughtful experience than sharing one with your closest friends. That being said, up front communication is always best. "Do you mind if I move your things over so I can sit at the table while I blog?" Or if you're an introvert like me and find yourself needing space, don't be afraid to kindly say so, e.g. "Hey guys, I'm gonna head back early so I can get some quiet time before the next session begins. Gotta recharge from all this social fun!".

Tara: Did you actually ever have time to sit at a table and blog at BlogFest?

Tiffany: I don't believe I wrote and posted anything while at the conference but I may have had something scheduled to post while I was away. I think it's definitely doable to bring a laptop and compose a mid-conference post in your hotel room at night...but that may require you to sacrifice much needed rest or social time with other attendees.

Tara: I definitely don't want to sacrifice social time! Are there any must-do things, events and/or sessions at IDEA World?

Tiffany: Definitely go to a showcase workout/ There's nothing like doing yoga or Zumba in a room with 400 people! Definitely try a type of workout/exercise you've never done before. Definitely seek out a session that will teach you something you're curious about but know very little about to begin with.

Tara: I'm signed up for Jillian Michael's showcase workout. Currently freaking out about seeing her in person! I'm sure that I will also freak out about packing at some point in the future, so tell me five must-pack items.

Tiffany: Bring a good good pair of cross-training shoes that you'd also feel comfortable running in for 30 minutes. All the cords or battery packs you need to charge your mobile devices on-the-go. Business cards with your blog and socials on it for networking. Something to take note with, and something to freshen yourself up with on-the-go.

Tara: Sweet, I already carry most of this in my gym bag.

Tara: Five leave-at-home items?

Tiffany: A yoga mat because you'll be given one or get to borrow one. Something to do in your down time (there shouldn't be any). A media kit. The fear of trying new things and meeting new people. And don't bring work or family stress with you if you can avoid it. You'll get more out of BlogFest if you can be present and not worry about what's going on at home.

Tara: This is the first time I will be traveling to California...and the first time I'll be so far away from both my kiddos. I'm probably going to worry about that just a little bit, but I know they'll be in good hands while I'm gone...and probably won't even care that I'm gone, really. Ha!

For more from Tiffany on how to win big at BlogFest, head on over to her blog today. She's talking about things you need to do NOW to maximize your opportunities at the event.

Question: Are you going to BlogFest? What additional tips can you give me?

Saturday, June 13, 2015

3 Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle (and why you can't have one without the other)

I'm so excited! Today is the very first day my health column will appear in one of the local newspapers. If you're here today because of it, thanks for checking out A Daily Dose of Fit! For those of you that don't have access to the paper, I decided to share the column here, too. Enjoy!

Good health can be a deeply personal thing. We all long for perfection, but the struggle is real. While the textbook definition of “perfectly healthy” is truly hard to achieve, we can all get pretty darn close by incorporating three very important pillars. To live a healthy lifestyle, you need good nutrition, a lot of movement and buckets of positivity. Let’s discuss: 

Food can be very delicious. It’s also social, fun to make…and one of our biggest industries. This might seem like a good thing (options galore when and where you need them), but it can work against you. To incorporate good nutrition into your healthy lifestyle, you have to be aware of the choices you’re making at meal time. And you have to balance those choices correctly. You need to eat clean, whole foods (most of the time) and drink plenty of water.

Easier said than done, right?

Some tips: Plan ahead. Make detailed grocery lists. Keep a cup of water within arm’s reach at all times. Educate yourself on good versus bad options. Speak with your doctor and/or meet with a registered dietitian. Be mindful of your portions and always eat your fruits and veggies. But most importantly, leave room for the occasional treat. Again, it’s all about balance.

Nutrition is, by far, the hardest pillar to incorporate, but it can be done. You have to figure out what works for you. Be honest, realistic and mindful of what you’re eating because everything you eat is a pinpoint on the road map of your healthy life.

Additional pinpoints can be earned with movement. While it’s true that abs are made in the kitchen, they can be defined at the gym. Or, generally speaking, with movement. Your body was made to move in some way, shape or form. We all have limitations—discuss these with your physician before trying anything new in or out of the gym. Then, get up and go. Walk, run, bike, or swim. Play tennis with friends or tag with the kids. Walk the dog, dance while you clean.

Just move. And do it often.

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans suggests the average, issue-free individual needs at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week. If that number intimidates you, it shouldn’t. You can hire a certified personal trainer or enlist the help of a friend to hold you accountable. Experiment with various forms of activity until you find one that makes you happy. Fitness can and should be fun—that’s where the magic happens.

That’s where your food intake and daily activity levels combine to produce results you can see and feel. That’s where healthy living falls into place. Of course, you need that third pillar, too.

You won’t get anywhere if you don’t believe in yourself. Forgo self-doubt. Stop judging yourself. Instead, believe that you can make a difference in your own life. Key word: “your” life. This isn’t about other people. It’s not about you falling into a certain image or fitting into a specific size of clothing. It’s about you feeling good AND feeling good about yourself. It’s about you being your best AND giving yourself the best.

Focus on YOU.
You deserve that.

Healthy living is a journey with many ups and downs, but it’s a journey you get to take each and every day. So figure out what works for you and roll with it. Remember: Eat right, move often and believe in yourself.

That’s your starting point.
That’s your sticking point.
That’s you living healthy.

Question: What is the hardest pillar for you to incorporate? What are you doing to make it easier?

Friday, June 12, 2015

#fitnfashionable Navy Blue Workout Tights

I am currently coveting navy blue workout clothes, specifically running tights and tank tops. Why? I cleaned out my fitness clothing drawer and, during the process of organizing what I have (and have to get rid of), I realized that everything leaned more toward the grey and black with neon scheme.

Not a problem, per se, but still. (Totally love me some neon workout clothes.)
Additionally, Amy from Momentum recently gifted me a navy blue top:

I couldn't be happier to represent this company. Her products are great, I wear a Motivate Wrap (affiliate link) at the gym every day:

Side note: If you've been thinking about ordering something from Momentum, now is the time to do it because you'll save 10% AND get a free Foot Note. Bonus!

If I had a navy wrist wrap, it would go great with my new shirt AND the navy blue workout clothing that I am currently coveting. Last week, I ordered a few things from Kohl's.

We have a Kohl's here in town, but their online selection is so much bigger.  I found three pairs of pants and a tank top. In case you're curious, this is the outfit I've chosen to keep (hands down, totally for sure):

The pants match my new Momentum shirt, and the tank is super adorable with its back ventilation.

I just wish it had a built-in bra, but I'm due for some new sports bras anyway so consider me on the hunt for something with a pop of color that'll show through. Also, for what it's worth, these pants...totally wondering if they really are navy. Because I think they might be black...or at least that version of black fabric that can totally pass off as navy with the right shirt.


I'm on the fence about these Nike running tights. I super love the color and print. They are, in fact, navy...but I'm just not sure I can get behind (HA!) this rear seam:

What is that?!

I sort of feel like I'm wearing underwear OVER my pants, which is weird. I also feel like I'm overthinking it. They look cute with the navy tank, so we'll see. I need to mull it over a bit.

I ordered the navy/grey version of the same Nike running tights (also with a butt seam).

Verdict: Going back. Super cute, totally comfortable, but too much like my existing collection of grey tights.

Seriously, though. I'm not sure what's worse—My addiction to iced coffee or my addiction to cute workout clothing. My one saving grace is that my professional wardrobe is made up entirely of workout clothing. So I do have a legit excuse (but there's still no legit excuse for the inhalation of iced coffee on the regular.)

If you find any #fitnfashionable navy blue workout clothes while you're out shopping, be sure to let me know. And if you happen to find said things at Athleta, feel free to purchase me ALL THE THINGS. Seriously, there's a puddle of drool on my keyboard. They do navy blue like no other.

Question: Should I keep the pants? Is the seam weird? Am I overthinking it? HELP ME! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Healthy Living Hack: Frozen Oatmeal for Easy Breakfasts #dishthefit

Oatmeal is, by far, one of my favorite breakfast options. Besides the healthy carb factor, it happens to be the perfect vehicle for just about any combination of fruit and/or nut. Add in some cinnamon, maybe a squirt of honey or maple syrup...perfection. But oatmeal takes time. And store-bought packets, while much quicker to make, aren't always the nutritious breakfast they claim to be. Plus, they can be expensive.

So, here's a healthy living hack for you: Freeze a giant batch of steel-cut oats in a muffin tin (or two).

Once the oat cups are frozen, you can pop them out and store them all in one giant freezer bag.

Easy access to a healthy breakfast, eh?
Two cups keeps me full.

You could also eat just one if you're combining them with eggs and/or yogurt.
Once you go from bag to bowl, it only takes about a minute per cup.

They come out piping hot, a bit chewy and ready for whatever you want to mix in.
My choice? Raspberries and blueberries.

The recipe I used called for maple syrup and cinnamon, otherwise I would have added some combination of the two. Or maybe just some honey. Other combos I like:

1) Honey and chopped almonds
2) Banana and peanut butter with a few chocolate chips
3) Kiwi and peanut butter
4) Pumpkin pie spice and pecans

Seriously, because of this hack, it literally takes me five minutes to create a piping hot, delicious and nutritious breakfast. #obsessedwithfrozenoatmeal

Question: What's your best healthy living hack? See what my peers are doing...

Monday, June 8, 2015

I'm obsessed with grapefruit (again).

Once again, I find myself totally obsessed with grapefruit. Ruby Red for the win, always. They're tangy but oddly sweet with tons of juice that quenches my thirst. I'm drooling, seriously just drooling at the very thought of it. I bought a huge bag at the grocery store last week and since I'm in the only one in the house that eats grapefruit, well...the bag is still going strong. Common occurrence at lunch:

Here's the thing, though. I'm not very adventurous with my grapefruit. I really, truly like it plain. No sugar, no honey. Just plain. Although I have had it broiled with brown sugar and it's quite fantastic.

FYI: Looks can be deceiving.
But, well...broiling grapefruit takes time.

I've pinned a number of potentially delicious grapefruit recipes:

1) Shrimp Salad with Grapefruit and Avocado
2) Grapefruit Poppyseed Cake
3) Pink Grapefruit Breakfast Smoothie
4) Champagne Grapefruit Pineapple Mojito
5) Grapefruit Vinaigrette

Seriously, I could get lost in all the grapefruit options on Pinterest. Do you follow me on Pinterest? You should, mostly so I can follow you back and pin all the awesomeness that you pin, too.

Here's to hoping I can turn some of the above into Pinterest Success Stories...

But first, I must remind you that grapefruit juices can interact negatively with medication. I looked up the science and my head started to spin. Long story short, grapefruit juice can delay the effects of your meds. Longer story short: If you're taking medicine and find yourself in dire need of grapefruit, check in with your physician first to see if there's anything you need to worry about. Best to be safe, right?

Question: What is your fruit of choice right now?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I run... #nationalrunningday

Runners unite! It's National Running Day! Did you celebrate? I didn't. Boo.

Wednesday is a Barre Fit day for me, and at the risk of overtraining, I forgo running. So I'll celebrate National Running Day tomorrow morning. I'm shooting for five miles with negative splits (hopefully the last two miles will be faster than the first three). I've spent a majority of my running life focusing solely on building up miles from run, so I'm trying to introduce some speed/pace work now. Any tips? I'll take your advice. Truth be told, I have a really hard time maintaining my ideal pace. I tend to hover right around where I want to be.

Speaking of running.
Do your running shoes motivate you?

(Note: The following portion of this post contains affiliate links.)

If not, think quick. Momentum Jewelry is adding a free "RUN Happy" footnote to every purchase made through the month of June. I love mine:

Additionally, you can save 10% on your order thanks to my affiliate link. This offer, of course, goes beyond today. Guys, seriously. I love this company! I wear their wrist wraps at the gym almost every single day. Today's stack:

They're so cute and completely motivational. You gotta get one.

And I've got footnotes on a few different pairs of shoes:

I'm all about getting as much motivation into my life as possible.

Question: Did you run today? How many miles? Why do you run?


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