So this weekend, I ran a local 5K that started at 11:00PM. The Ready, Set Glow 5K. One of my trainers planned it, and I signed up to support his efforts. The race itself was the very last event at our county's Relay For Life. Support my friend AND his efforts to raise money for the fight against cancer? Yes.
Let me back up for a second: I ran on Saturday morning, too.
I meet my running group every Saturday morning at 7:00AM. This morning's route was super hilly. I was scheduled for 8 miles, but knew I'd be running later so I didn't hesitate to stop after the first loop. (We always loop back on the hour to pick up new runners.)
The hills...they kicked my butt. And by the time I needed to get ready for the 5K, I was pretty much ready for my pajamas. Not my running shoes. But, the friend, right? So I sucked it up and went. And here's the thing, it was a small field and he knew that going into it, so this whole week he kept telling me that "I could probably finish first." And when I got there, he reminded me of that again.
So basically, I knew I had to show up.
Here's the chain of events.
1) I forgot to turn my Garmin on.
2) I seriously hauled ass.
3) I was the first female to finish.
4) I almost puked when I stopped running.
That's a 7:30ish mile.
Holy what.
Pretty sure that's also a new, unofficial PR for me. I finished the Ice Fest 5K in 24:36 and some change. Also, it's amazing what you can do when someone vocally challenges you for an entire week.
Now, I have my sights set on another (slightly bigger) local 5K to see what I can do up against a larger field (during the day and on fresh legs). I'm getting faster and I'm loving it. I guess I'm getting a trophy, too, for my first-place finish. My first running trophy! Hooray!
I'm also loving this:
I hired a yoga instructor that is certified to teach Unnata yoga, which is a form of aerial yoga.
Seriously, it's awesome. I did a 45-minute test class this morning. (I'm the one with the pink mat.) #wanttoplaymore
Question: Ever try Aerial yoga? What's your favorite non-traditional exercise class right now? Anything totally unique I should be exploring for my gym?