Thursday, January 2, 2014

Start fresh. (#pinspirationthursday)

Now more than ever, it's the perfect time to refresh and regroup. A new year is right before you, just waiting to hold the memories you have yet to make. 2013, bid adieu. Say goodbye. Turn your head.

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No, don't forget the awesomeness that made 2013 such a great year, that stuff needs to be kept in the vault. But all the troubles, the sorrows, the struggles and the fears...that's the slate that needs to be wiped clean. Why? Because you can.

What were your troubles?
Why were you sorrowful?
What were your struggles?
Why were you afraid?

Answer these questions and step into 2014 with a new zest for life. Learn from the past, let it fuel your future. Let it guide you because this year...well, it truly is your year simply because you've declared it to be.

Did you declare it to be your year?
Go ahead, do it. Right now.


So fresh and so clean.

It's yours for the taking.

Question: Do you create resolutions? Goals? Tell me one thing you really, truly want to accomplish this year. We've all got that one thing, right?


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