Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Recap (...and a #VegaBar review)

We've had a few rain showers lately, which is continuing to green up our yard. That's what this time of year is all about, and with the onset of May tomorrow, I don't expect that to change. I have to say, I do like me some Spring. Even with the rain. It's as if every day is the promise of something new and bright outside, even if it's just for an hour.

Anyway, it's time to recap my April goals.

1) Get the girl into her big-girl bed.
All of the components for said big-girl bed are here, except for the bed, which is set to arrive next Friday. We've been talking it up big time, and she's been asking for it, so we'll see.

2) Continue cardio and strength workouts, despite (and to fight) the fatigue. 
I'm still working out! Usually four, sometimes five times a week. Two days of total-body strength, two days of cardio...with an extra day of cardio thrown in if at all possible. I'm officially off the bike until I return post-baby. Totally ran out of room on the bike!

3) Plan out freezer meals, to be prepped the first weekend of May.

I'm so on top of this one! I plan to shop no later than Friday, and then prep all the meals on Sunday. I've already begun freezing fruit for individual ready-to-blend smoothies, and I'm making a batch of cookie dough today as well. Priorities, clearly. More on this to come.

4) Add prenatal yoga to my weekly routine. 
5) Create an account on LinkedIn.
Whomp, whomp. Let's not talk about it.

How about we talk about Vega Bars instead?
I mean, food is more fun than missed goals anyway, right?

Through my partnership with Fit Approach/SweatPink, I was given the opportunity to test out the newest line of Vega Bars. I've always been a fan of this brand (and healthy bars), so I jumped at the chance. Here's what they sent me:

 You guys, so good.

I really wanted to dive right into each bar, but opted to open one of each for taste-testing purposes.

From left to right:
1) Vega Sport Protein Bar (Chocolate Coconut)
2) Vega One Bar (Chocolate Cherry Almond)
3) Vega Sport Energy Bar (Apple Cherry)
4) Vega Snack Bar (Cranberry Almond)

First and foremost, the flavors in all four where ridiculously good—and made even better by the fact that the ingredients are crazy clean compared to a lot of similar bars on the shelves. (I'm not just saying that because they were given to me for free, it's the honest truth.) Also, if you eat gluten-free, these fit the bill. Not a concern for me, but worth noting just the same.

Surprisingly enough, this one was my favorite:

I'm really not one to go for coconut flavors, but it was love at first bite. The coconut added an element of sweetness to the protein bar that, for me at least, was perfect. And no, there wasn't a coconut texture that can be so off-putting for so many (including me). I really, seriously, felt like I was eating a candy bar. Without all the junk.

I like keeping bars like this in the pantry because I don't always have the time to prep a fresh, healthy and delicious snack. And I know that'll only get worse with another kid to take care of, so I'll be saving the rest of my Vega Bar stash for post-baby consumption. I assure you, this will be hard to do.

Question: What is your all-time favorite snack, protein, or granola bar?


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