Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Workout Wednesday: Walking Bodyweight Workout

This is happening all over the place:

And my coats aren't coming out of the closet as frequently, so it's officially time to play outside because the temps are climbing up, up, up and away. In addition to the flowers, I'm also seeing more runners on the streets. This, of course, makes me green with envy right now. I don't dare (for safety reasons) walk/run on the streets right now—because you never know, and I've got this bun in the oven to protect. (And I don't have sidewalks right outside my door, just a short cul-de-sac street that leads to busy roads.) But I'm very much looking forward to the day that I can shed the track at the gym for a bit and go for a walk with my kiddos in their new double stroller. Or take Hannah out for a run in the BOB. Either way, I'll be saving this workout for that time:

It's hard to hit the gym in the summer (even when you work there). You really just want to be outside, amiright? So as the weather gets warmer and your desire to spend time inside starts to waver, the above might prove to be a good solution for you. It combines the cardiovascular training of a quick-paced walk with some proven bodyweight exercises that you can (seriously) do anywhere. Even if you're pushing a stroller, which adds convenience for all the moms and dads with parental duties. Because the kids like to be outside, too.

Notes on the above:

1) Always check in with your physician before starting a new exercise regime. Make sure what you're doing is right for you. My workouts are backed by my experience as an ACE-certified personal trainer, but I have to trust that you're using your best judgement when it comes to doing any of the workouts I post. Ask if you have questions, and I'll be sure to answer them as best I can.

2) When I ask for 24 repetitions, each lunge (for example) counts as one repetitions. You're going for total repetitions, not 24 repetitions per leg.

3) A recovery pace can be anything you need it to be. Perhaps it starts slow so you can catch your breath. Perhaps you don't skip a beat and keep trekkin' at a moderate pace. Again, use your best judgement. And if your muscles fatigue with the bodyweight workout before you can complete five circuits, just proceed to recovery pace and walk through the rest of your workout.

In other news, I got my monthly shipment of NatureBox goodies today.

Totally drooling over each and every snack.

Again, let me know if you have any questions about the workout. I'm here to help.

Question: Do your workouts change with the seasons? Tell me how, I'm curious.

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