Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kohlrabi Slaw, Banana Snack, Big Steps

So I made that Cabbage and Kohlrab Slaw I told you about. It was freakin' delicious.

Although, I did leave out the mint that Emily calls for. Kinda not a fan of mint in my food...unless it's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream from Oink's in New Buffalo, MI. I make exceptions when exceptions are necessary. And, man...I wish that place had a presence online so I could link you. Oink's offers a gazillion flavors of Sherman's ice cream, and the whole place is decked out in pig memorabilia. Appropriate, no?


Maybe they should start serving frozen bananas dipped in Greek yogurt and swirled in granola.

Chocolate Covered Katie got it right with this recipe. I used some Vanilla Chobani and what I had left of the granola from my NatureBox—speaking of, there's still a little bit of time to enter the giveaway. It closes at midnight EST tonight, June 23.

But that's tonight.

This morning, I went for yet another peaceful run. I'm beginning to think this will be a Saturday morning ritual for me. I went for almost 6 miles today at a comfortable 9-minute pace. I found a dollar...

...but it was covered it BBQ sauce so I left it on the ground. At least that's what I'm telling myself it was covered in. Yuck.

I also found footsteps in the sand, which brought to mind lyrics from one of my favorite peaceful running songs, "Can't Go Back Now" by The Weepies:

Check out the video, it's odd...but I still love the song.

Question: What song are you listening to these days that might qualify as a peaceful running song?


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