Sunday, August 9, 2015

Last Long Run (plus, my half marathon goals)

I usually do my long runs on Saturday morning with my running group, but my sister went and had a baby and kept me up all night (YAY!) so I banked the run for today. I was a little more up and at 'em:

momentum jewelry, aspire to inspire, fuel belt, mizuno wave enigma 5, arm candy, running gear, run chat
I feel like I haven't been running long enough distances this time around, so I was really gunning for at least ten miles. Double digits, please. Additionally, I see some hills in my future so I decided to run a route that would take me up and down a few.

hills, hill work, running route, runner, road
Honestly, I'm pretty happy with how it went. I started out slow, then maintained a 9:30/mile pace for a majority of the run. I hit 10:00/mile around mile 8 and stayed there until I got home.

arm candy, momentum jewelry, running, runchat, mizuno wave enigma 5
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Here's the thing: The hills weren't so bad, which is good because I'm super intimidated by the hills in this upcoming half marathon. A friend of mine ran it last year, and when I picked her brain about it, she said "there are hills, lots of hills...and mile 8 will be hard as hell." I mean, I'm going to be running through the rolling hills of Southwest Michigan wine country. So yes, I fully expected "hard as hell" when I signed up.

Saving grace: It should also be a fairly beautiful course. And there will be wine at the finish line.

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Despite the smile, I'm also grimacing inside just a tiny bit because my left knee is being a little pistol. I think it's an IT band issue, honestly. Which is something I've dealt with before. I came home and immediately broke out my pink foam roller.

Gaiam, foam rolling, IT band, running

Hopefully it won't flare up on me at the race. One thing that might have worked against me today: I ran on a sidewalk that is somewhat uneven, and uneven running surfaces are never an IT band's best friend. So, we'll see.

My running goals for next weekend:
1) Start slow, then pace well to finish strong.
2) Survive Mile 8.
3) Keep the knee happy.
4) Enjoy the scenery.
5) Drink wine at the finish line.

Basically, this:

accept no limits, momentum jewelry, footnotes, running, running shoes, every mile counts
I just have to remember that limits are challenges, and challenges can be overcome.
Time to get through the week, and then...#igotthis.

My week in workouts:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Spinning
Wednesday: Barre Fit
Thursday: 3 Miles
Friday: PiYo Live
Saturday: Rest
Sunday Race

Question: Do you have any race week traditions? Are you racing this coming weekend?


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