Thursday, August 8, 2013

Pinspiration Thursday

"Don't obsess about the number on the scale." <— If you've ever tried to lose weight, and if you've ever talked about it openly, you've no doubt heard this phrase in some way, shape or form. It's true, really. The number on the scale is all-encompassing. But it does not reflect the entirety of your health story. It can be used to judge progress, sure. But it should not be a measurement against which you judge yourself to be strong, beautiful, smart, worthy or [insert positive adjective here]. Again, the number on the scale does not reflect the entirety of your health story.

So don't obsess about it, or your weight loss journey.
It's not about losing. Losing something seems so negative.

Spin it positive:
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Make the number on the scale about gaining health.
Make it about gaining fitness.

And make it but one part of your health story.

Don't forget: My Lean Cuisine giveaway ends tonight, August 8, at midnight EST. Want six free Honestly Good meals? Click here to secure your chances

Question: How many times a week do you weigh yourself? What is your reason behind that number?


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