Sunday, August 4, 2013

#IndyWomensHalf Training Update, Week 5

Before I get to it, I gotta remind you to enter my giveaway. Honestly Good food is up for grabs from Lean Cuisine. (I don't do frozen meals, but this's good. Go enter.)

Ah, Sunday night. How quickly you sneak up on me. Time to tie things up with the hopes of starting a new week off on the right foot. Literally. I have to wake up and run five miles tomorrow. Guess what I've noticed: My morning runs are getting darker. I wake up to start my runs at 6:00AM so I can be back and in the shower at 7:00AM, which gives me just enough time to get Hannah and myself out the door before check-in time at the gym. Boo to the impending arrival of Fall and the shorter days it brings with it. I'm hoping I can make it just a few more weeks with the whole running-outside-before-work thing. At least I don't have to worry about the clock on the weekends. There's no way I'd survive long runs on the treadmill.

I wasn't even sure I'd survive this weekend's long runs on the road.

1) I only ran 5.5 miles last weekend when I was supposed to do nine miles.
2) Dang, it was foggy out. Like, I couldn't see ten feet in front of me foggy.

But neither of the above made a difference. This happened:

I will be one happy runner if I can keep this up through race day. So what happened on miles one and seven? I started off slow because I wanted to push it, and because I had to get over a hill. During mile seven, my shoes came untied. Twice. #annoying

Anyway, I guess I'm on track with the training again after two weeks of being a little off And the knee is fine now. I probably just needed to really break in the Mizunos.

Question: What is your ideal race pace?


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