Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Workout Wednesday: Use a Weight Bench

So I feel like a hack. For two weeks in a row, your Workout Wednesday is coming from SELF Magazine. (Click HERE if you missed last week's workout.) I know, I know...can't I come up with this stuff on my own? Yes, I can. But I just flipped through my February issue and found this:

Now, I haven't done any of the above yet, but I can tell that each move is worth trying at least once.
Here's a how-to:

Let me know what you think, eh? My body isn't quite ready for anything like the above.

Little Peanut is, after all, just a few weeks old. I'm only now just starting to feel like I can push the activity envelope a bit. In fact, Hannah and I went to the gym on Monday. She's too little for the nursery, so I strapped her into the little carrier I bought a few months back. Have to say, it worked out quite nicely! She zonked out the whole time I was walking, letting me snag 45 minutes of slow (but steady) cardio.

I'm hoping for a repeat today.

Question: What is your favorite bench-based exercise?


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