Saturday, December 31, 2011

"It's about old friends."

Whenever this night rolls around, I can't help but think of Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal in "When Harry Met Sally"—such a great movie with a classic New Year's Eve ending.

Because really, like Billy/Harry, none of us really know the words to "Auld Lang Syne." Well, except for "should old acquantance be forgot." I always sing that part then trail off into hoots and hollers with confetti and horns. Don't you? Maybe it's just me. But according to Wikipedia, this Scottish folk song is about forgetting old times. It questions whether or not it's right to forget those old times, and it asks us to remember all of our friendships. If you're curious about the lyrics, I give you the English version as posted on Wikipedia:

Have fun, be safe. And have a very happy new year, old friends.


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