Monday, December 5, 2011

WIN THIS: A loose leaf tea mug from Libre!

I don't drink enough tea. There, I said it. I love the stuff, but I get so impatient with it. Ya gotta let it steep, ya gotta deal with the tea This, however, is something I need to get over because tea is good, it's good for me, and let's be honest—it doesn't take that much longer to prepare than my instant coffee. I learned this lesson last March when Libre Tea sent me a loose leaf tea glass to review. And then I learned that same lesson again this weekend when I used my new loose leaf tea mug.

Yep, a mug. It's the newest addition to the Libre Tea family, and the kind people behind it sent me one to review. Gotta say, I love the addition of the handle. The original was great, but the mug version is better. Hot beverages are better in mugs, are they not? It's unexplainable, really. But true, nonetheless. Also true, "the state of being free:"

Why, yes...yes, I will take a "tea moment." In fact, I've been prepared for just such a moment after a shopping trip in South Bend left me at the Teavana checkout counter. Do you have Teavana in your area? It's a divine little loose leaf tea shop with types of teas for just about any taste buds. I bought Pineapple Kona Pop.

It's an herbal (and decaf) tea that takes me back to every vacation I ever took to the Hawaiian islands. Subtle and sweet, delicious in every way. And seriously, it smells so good.

My mug loved it, too. If I'm being completely honest, the whole brewing process was quite easy. All you have to do is place the appropriate amount of loose leaf tea in the brewing lid...

...then you screw the brewing lid on top of the mug. Of course, by now you've got boiling water going on your stovetop. Maybe it's even in a tea kettle! So you just have to grab that whistlin' kettle and pour the hot water right over the tea leaves...

You'll need to fill the mug until the water  reaches the bottom of the brewing lid, after which you'll secure the official lid and turn the whole thing upside-down...

Once you steep the tea according to your specific tea's instructions, you'll have a warm beverage ready to go wherever you do.

That's the beauty of the Libre Tea mug. It's a tea infuser for on-the-go tea moments. Can't beat that! I encourage you to visit Libre Tea and check out their selection of loose leaf tea glasses. Consider them a Daily Dose recommendation for the tea lovin' fitness fanatic in your life!

Oh, and did I mention that Libre Tea is willing to give one mug to a lucky Daily Dose reader? Leave a comment after this post in which you describe your ideal tea moment. Is it on the go, while you're reading, snuggled in bed? I'm curious! (Please leave your email address as well. If you win, I'll need a way to get in touch.)

Additional entries can be achieved by doing any of the following:
1) Like Libre Tea on Facebook.
2) Follow Libre Tea on Twitter.
3) Sign up for the Libre Tea newsletter. (You'll get a free iced tea recipe booklet!)
4) Like Daily Dose on Facebook.
5) Subscribe to Daily Dose.

Be sure to leave individual comments so that I know how many entries to give you! Contest ends at midnight, EST on Friday, November 9, 2011. G'luck!


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