Did you guys know that Monday was supposedly Oatmeal Cookie Day? I love all of these unofficial holidays. And oatmeal cookies. But I could do without the calories and sugar. So to celebrate, I made oatmeal raisin peanut butter bites.
I know, still a bit high in the calorie department, but at least I can attribute that to fresh, homemade peanut butter. Right? I like to think of peanut butter as a quality calorie, well...at least when it's homemade and of one ingredient: Peanuts.
Peanut butter bites rock my world. They're an ideal snack for me because A) The recipe makes a ton, and B) They are delicious. Oh, and C) They are really nutritious if you use the right ingredients. And that's the beauty of peanut butter bites. You can use virtually any ingredient to create something wonderful. The combo is yours.
Alright, fine. Also—D) They're super portable and easy to eat on the go. Literally, you just grab and go. They're meant to be stored in the 'fridge, but that doesn't mean they can't sit on your desk drawer or gym bag for a few hours. It just softens the peanut butter which, in the essence of full disclosure, is not a bad thing.
Let's get to the recipe:
Source: Me!
• 1 cup peanut butter
• 1/3 cup honey
• 2 tsp. vanilla protein powder
• 1/2 cup raisins
• 3/4 cup oats
• 1 tsp. cinnamon
• 2 tbsp. walnuts, chopped
Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl. Chill for an hour. Form in to bite-sized balls. Store in the refrigerator until consumption.
Yep. That easy.
Question: What ingredients would you put into your peanut butter balls?