Or as often as you order one. "Everything inside your NatureBox will be guilt free so that you can feel great about what you’re eating," says the company's website. And it's true. Which makes it worth the fee, which...if you really think about it, isn't that bad. $19.95 a box...$3.99 per bag of snacks? I'd spend that at the grocery store. And then some. Let's take a closer look, shall we?
Yum, right? I love that every box has a theme. June's theme centers around "wholesome snacks that are perfect for travel, camping, hot summer nights, and active days in the great outdoors." Totally summer. Totally makes me want to hit the beach.
I digress.
Let's talk about the June box again. More specifically, the extra June box I've got sitting right here at my desk. I won't be selfish, guys. I'm giving it to you. Well...one of you.
Giveaway! Woot!
Leave a comment below and tell me one thing on your summer bucket list, and which snack you're most interested in trying from the options above...but don't worry, you'll get all of them if you win. Contest ends this Saturday, June 23 at midnight EST. I'll pick a random winner on Sunday, June 24. Please make sure you leave me a way to get ahold of you. If you win, I'll need your mailing address.
Keep track of NatureBox on Facebook and Twitter for product updates, cool info and fun games. And if you haven't already, please take a sec to follow Daily Dose on Facebook and Twitter, too! <— Doing any of the aforementioned things doesn't get you extra entries, it just keeps you in the know.
Disclaimer: NatureBox was kind enough to send me two boxes free of charge, one of which I'll give to the winner. I was not compensated for this review. All opinions are my own and are true to my heart. I cannot tell a lie!
The trail mix looks awesome!
On my summer bucket list is to complete my second triathlon and not suck at the swim portion! :)
My vote is for the healthy trail mix filled with nuts and dried fruit! Going to the local beach is on my summer's bucket to-do list ;-)
What a great post!! And great giveaway! Thank you so much for doing it! I'd love to try the sun ripened peaches -- oh my gosh, so amazing! peaches are my favorite :) and on my summer bucket list -- take my workouts outside at least once a week! Thanks again!
The swimming portion of a triathlon is the only reason I have not done one myself. I wish I was a swimmer :-(
I know, I know...I just need to get in the pool...someday.
Good luck!
Peaches are the best...and the dried peaches make a great substitute for the real thing. I can't wait to see those in full force at the grocery store!
What a great giveaway!!! I would love to try the trail mix/granola. Yum!! Hmmm, summer bucket list? I think to just tone up my body so I look half way decent by the end of summer! :) Otherwise I just want to enjoy summer!!
I would love to try the dried peaches! Peaches are one of my favorite summer fruits. Let's see, what's on my summer bucket list? I'd like to bike the Gettysburg Battlefield. I've been there countless times, but have never biked the route instead of driving.
The dried peaches look great! My summer bucket lists consists of working out as long as I can before my preggo belly gets too big. :)
Yum! I would love to try the Harvest Fruit Granola (yes, I have a small granola addiction :) ).
Don't we all?! Ha!
Yay! I like your bucket list. I had my last solid workout a week before I delivered, then managed some walking in between. Guess my body knew it was time to slow down a bit in preparation. Hope your'e feeling well!
Oooooh, fun! I've been to Gettysburg once, never on a bike. That would be awesome.
I'm sure you look wonderful...besides, it's all about how you feel! Beauty comes from within, right?
I love peaches as it's one of my favorite summertime fruits! Taking a road trip with the family visiting different states is on my summer bucket to-do list!
My summer bucket list is to really focus in on my diet. Maybe go with the Paleo diet, that's what most of the crossfitters are on. I would love to try the granola. It looks quite tastey. :)
Yah, yah! I try to tell myself that when I'm in my bathing suit. lol
First of all, those citrus kick almonds look FANTASTIC! And as for my bucket list, I really want to get on those bikes and tackle the Clare rail trail this year!
I would love to go to Traverse city and be a tourist. The almonds love so good. Great giveaway.
Hello, on my summer bucket list i would have to say I rally want to loose a few more pounds. I would love to try the organic mighty mix, or the citrus Kick almonds. :)
My favorite snack above would be the trail mix with healthy nuts and fruit! My summer bucket list includes going to the beach and going scuba diving!
eat healthier, learn some new ways to exercise while having fun. Almonds sound awesome, thanks for the giveaway!
I hear Traverse is great...I've never been myself. But the wine is calling me...
Looks like a great bike path! You should check that one off the bucket list multiple times! I bet it's great in the fall, too.
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