The purging continues, friends. This weekend, I used the KonMari Method to organize my book collection. This method helped me organize my clothing, so I knew it would work on my beloved page-turners, too. I hoard books so badly, but so many of them needed to go because:
1) I know I will never read them again. Ever.
2) We need to make room in the basement for toys. End goal: Playroom.
The KonMari method urges you to discover that which sparks joy, and to essentially shop what you have. Meaning, you pile everything up and keep what you want. And since I want all books everywhere, get how difficult this task was for me. But, I somehow managed to get it done.
So what's left in my collection?
Classics, like Gone with the Wind. I have three copies (and need all of them).
Favorites, like Sweet Valley High #1. Because I loved this series when I was little.
Also, a ton of books that inspire me.
Let's take a closer look at that stack:
1) It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be (Paul Arden) This book will absolutely light a fire underneath you. It will drive you to pursue your version of success. It's concise, easy to read and light on words. The type of page-turner you can get through in a day if you've got that kind of time. And it will ultimately motivate you for days to come. Take, for example, this page:
2) The Eat Clean Diet Presents: Just the Rules! (Tosca Reno) Much like the first book, this one is quick and concise, too. And yet, it's full of information. I recommend it to my clients when they express frustration with their diet. I tell them to stop dieting, to start eating right...and I tell them that this book is a great way to understand what those two things mean. I flip through it every once in a while when I feel like I need a friendly reminder. Note: There are a ton of pictures and graphics (things that always make reading fun).
3) In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto (Michael Pollan) This book is crazy good. Pollen is a fantastic writer, very descriptive (even when he's talking about scientific things). His main goal? To show us that "thoughtful food choices will enrich our lives, enlarge our sense of what it means to be healthy, and bring pleasure back to eating." It all boils down to this: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."
4) The Shack (William P. Young) This book is for those of you that think about God. It's a work of fiction, and you won't be able to put it down. Through a tragic story, it compels the reader to ask where God is in a world filled with pain. According to one review written on the back cover, "The Shack will leave you craving for the presence of God." And it does.
5) Wild (Cheryl Strayed) I always prefer books over movies, so I will (of course) urge you to read this one before you see the flick. It's a most excellent story about a woman that overcomes herself to achieve something so awesome. She literally proves to herself that her hopes and dreams are possible and, thankfully, she wrote about it along the way. Read this if there's something you've always wanted to do, but haven't yet mustered up enough belief in yourself.
6) The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises (Adam Campbell) I've had this book for years and I reference it all the time. It's a great resource for modifications and exercise advancements, plus a few cookie-cutter workouts that target both muscle groups and body types. There are also men's, abs and yoga versions, too. (I haven't checked those out yet, though.)
7) Run Like a Mother: How to Get Moving—and Not Lose Your Family, Job or Sanity (Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea) These women rock. Their writing is full of equal parts humor and valuable information. If you run, and if you want something to read that will educate and inspire, then you should snag this book. And this one, too:
8) Train Like a Mother: How to Get Across Any Finish Line—and Not Lose Your Family, Job or Sanity (Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea) Obviously an extension of the first, it takes all the aforementioned information about running and expands on it by giving the reader multiple training plans well-suited to all the popular distances. I did a combination of the two half marathon plans this Summer and completely enjoyed the workouts. I will definitely be referencing these books again when I start to train for my next race.
9) You Are An Ironman (Jacques Steinberg) Let's be clear on one thing: I am NOT an Ironman. And I have no goals to become one, no thanks. But that didn't stop me from getting totally engulfed in this book. It's much like Wild in that it will make you want to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. It follows six "weekend warriors" and details their road to the finish line of an Ironman. So good.
10) Born to Run (Christopher McDougall) If you run, no matter the distance, then you need to read this book. For real. It's a non-fiction book that reads like fiction, it's that good. And even though I generally prefer the book over the movie (see above), I'll probably head to the theatre for this one because #matthewmcconaughey.
Question: What book are you reading right now? You can click HERE to see what all my friends are reading.