How's that for a plethora of acronyms? I feel like I've had a running list of topics in my head all day, and so rather than bog down the title of this post with TMI (ha)...acronyms win. So let's start with HIIT. You know that stands for "high intensity interval training," right? Right. So I've been doing this type of training on Wednesdays as I find it to be a great metabolism booster, which has made all the difference in the world in terms of my quest to drop those last few baby pounds. More specifically, I've been doing Chichi Kix's Unleash the Beast 2 workout (so awesome).
I felt like switching it up today and swapped in some curtsy lunges and a wall sit to keep me interested. I gotta switch things up on occasion, even if it's going well. I can't stand being bored.
Case and point: After the third round, I felt myself tuning out so I took a break to plank on the wall for a minute. Some break, eh? I'm a trainer, I can't exactly get away with sitting on a bench for a breather. Ha!
So after I finally finished the workout, I was literally a walking sweatmonster. I'm not even kidding you. Here, this is what a 5-months-postpartum walking sweatmonster looks like:
No, seriously. Do you see how red my face is? And I could literally twist the sweat out of my hair.
Do the workout, guys. It's awesome.
Also awesome, my CSA box.
I've always wanted to partake in community supported agriculture, so Jason and I decided that this would be the season since Hannah will soon be eating her fair share of fruits and veggies, too. I'm splitting a full share with someone at the gym, so my half of today's loot included the following:
Bok choy, kale, lettuce, radishes and strawberries. Isn't it all so pretty? I did my best to incorporate a bunch of it into my lunch, starting with some radish slices and the lettuce in my some other things I had in the 'fridge:
Yumtasty with a grapefruit on the side!
Back to the acronyms, or rather, that last one: WIAW. It's been some time since I joined in on the WIAW shenanigans. (<—I love that word.) WIAW = What I Ate Wednesday, coming at ya courtesy of Jenn over at Peas and Crayons. This month, she challenged us to snack sensibly.

And since I love snacks, I couldn't NOT join in. Sensible snacking is a huge part of the fit life. Physical activity makes one very hungry, but in this day and age, we can't walk five feet without a snack option—and not all of these snack options are good for us. So we have to be sensible because sensible snacking is fine while mindless, unhealthy snacking is not. I had two really good snacks today.
A five-seed almond bar, courtesy of Joe the Trader. And some strawberry-blueberry banana bread:
Kinda carb heavy today, but that's fine with me. I did end up using some of the strawberries I got in my CSA. And I froze half the loaf—I do NOT need that sitting out on my counter, taunting me with it's deliciousness. One half is enough for now...I'll be forced to make it last.
And so, now here I sit. 9:30PM at night, catching up on all the things I didn't get to finish today because I was too busy snuggling my little miss. Off I go to finish my night.
Question: Do you eat bok choy? I need a good recipe because I have NO idea what to do with it.
I love Bok Choy! My favorite thing to do with is cut it up and saute it with other vegetables. It's wonderful in stirfry. Your CSA box looks like mine except I got blueberries and lettuce instead of strawberries and kale! :)
Jealous of your blueberries! Fresh blueberries are the best. Maybe I'll get some of those next week. Thanks for the tip on the Bok Choy...sounds delish!
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