My feet have recently brought to my attention the fact that it's time for some new running shoes. I'm still wearing the
Nike Dual Fusions I bought about a year ago. Granted, I haven't been doing any serious running since the summer. And before that, I was supplementing runs with my
FiveFingers. But still. I should never have gone so long in the same pair of sneaks, given that I wear them every day at the gym. It's time. It really is. And I've been contemplating my next move for about two weeks now. I won't be running seriously for another few months because of Baby, but I do intend to get back into it as soon as my body (and my Baby) allow it, so I want to be prepared with a shoe that'll get the job done—while keeping me comfortable on the fitness floor.
When I checked my Google Reader this morning, I found this infographic:
Perhaps the minimalist way is still the way for me. At the very least, given that cold weather is about to dampen my outdoor running game (in the Spring, after Baby), I think I still want to find a shoe that doesn't go overboard with the "support." That's how my Lunars were, and they worked out well. Still wanting the Nike Frees, still loving the Lunar Glides. Always have fun in my FiveFingers, though I haven't done any running in them lately and they aren't the best for everyday gym wear.
Hmm, what to do.
Question: What do you look for in a running shoe? Do you typically stick with the same brand from shoe to shoe?
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