Tuesday, July 28, 2015

45-Minute #Spinning Playlist

I've been teaching group fitness for almost five years now, and I'll say this: Spinning has always been my biggest challenge. I can't just sit down and whip out a class in five minutes. I mean, I could...but not if I want the class to coincide with the playlist. So put a lot of effort into planning my Spinning classes, which is why I've been feeling a little burned out over it. That is, until I went to IDEA World. That "Pimp My Playlist" class changed me and I'm newly motivated to ride hard.

So I sat down on Monday night and played DJ for awhile, ultimately coming up with this 45-minute playlist for today's class. It lends itself naturally to a ride with a lot of variety. My students loved it:

Spinning, Spin, Cycling, Stationary Bike, Music, Playlist, Cycling Playlist, Cycling Instructor, Spinning Instructor, Group Fitness
That standing climb in the middle? Christina Aguilera helped me motivate one of my riders: She stood up for the duration of the climb, which is something she's never been able to do before. She was totally a fighter, per the song. As for me, I definitely enjoyed it, too. The workout, and seeing one of my students push beyond her previous limits.

spinning instructor, cycling instructor, cycling playlist, spinning music, spinning workout, cycling workout, group fitness, music
If you're not a Spinning instructor or Spinning student, you can totally use this playlist while you're running...especially if you're running on a treadmill. Create a hill when the ride calls for a climb, and definitely play with your speed as indicated. Otherwise, just run your little heart out to some party music. That's always fun, too.

Question: Do you have a theme song? Is there a song that you turn to when you really need some motivation?


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