I'm usually pretty productive like that.
I love being productive like that.
Just not today.
Me in all my unmotivated glory.
At least I'm wearing makeup.
I mean, I work at a gym. I typically just throw on some deodorant and face lotion, comb the hair and call it good. MAYBE some lip gloss if I happen to remember it. But today, I'm wearing makeup.
Obviously I was motivated at some point this morning.
But you know what? Whatevs. I'm down with my lack of motivation. I don't often feel this way. I don't often LET myself feel this way. I'm more of a go-go-go'er. But not today. I'm making an exception and fully embracing my lack of motivation. This is an acceptable thing to do on occasion, dontchaknow. Sometimes we need to just stop. Our bodies love us for it, I really think they do.
So cue the logout. It's Friday, y'all.
Question: How do you feel about being unmotivated?