Monday, January 28, 2013

A Naturally Oatstanding Beverage

This is the story of yet another item that I repeatedly checked out at the grocery store without ever actually purchasing it. I think I wasn't sure if I'd actually like it, or maybe I just had other things to buy. So I'm sure you'll understand when I accepted a few free samples of Sneaky Pete's Naturally Oatstanding Beverage.

Why not? Perfect opportunity. Besides, my curiosity was starting to get the best of me—what DOES oatmeal taste like in liquid form? Sure, I put it in my smoothies but never stands out as a main player. It just thickens things up while adding some fiber. So as a beverage all its own?

You're curious, too...right?

So every bottle of Sneaky Pete's contains about three grams of oat fiber. Why is this a good thing? Because fiber can help lower cholesterol by "binding to it and removing it from the body." It also makes us feel fuller as it thickens up the foods we eat which, in turn, helps "move food through the digestive track." Win, win and win on all three counts. Here, take a look at the nutrition facts:

Notice that one full bottle is a single serving. Most bottles this size are two servings in one. TRICKY! No need to worry about that here. Also notice how low in sugars this drink is. 5 grams is super low in comparison.

Speaking of sugars—if you're wondering what erythritol is, it's a natural and calorie-free sweetener. You consume it via grape, pear and melon. Even wine and cheese, too. And I'm sure you're familiar with Stevia. Sweetener from the Rebiana leaf, natural as well.

This, however, brings me to my one and only complaint about this beverage. It's a bit too sweet for me...but I'm not much of a sweet beverage drinker. That said, it's not to the point where I can't drink it. Honestly, the flavor is excellent. All of the flavors are: Apple, grape, mango, peach and raspberry. I'd definitely go for one of these over, say, a Vitamin Water or Gatorade any day.

And if you head back up to that first picture I posted, you'll see that Sneaky Pete's is comparable in price to Vitamin Water and Gatorade, too. At 2/$3.00 in my store, I'd say that's a fairly great deal for something so delicious and good-for-you.

Grab a bottle next time you see them at the store. Or better yet, leave a comment below and tell me the flavor you're most excited about. I'll pick a winner at random and you'll get a one-month supply from Sneaky Pete's. Giveaway ends Thursday, January 31, 2013 at midnight EST—because that's when National Oatmeal Month ends, too! (<—I know, right? Oatmeal gets its own month!)

I'll announce the winner on Friday, February 1, 2013.

Be sure to follow Sneaky Pete's on Facebook to keep up on all things "oatstanding."

Note: Sneaky Pete's did not pay me to write this review, but they did supply me with product to sample. All opinions are my own, as they always are.


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