Sunday, February 5, 2012

Change is good. Super Bowl snacks are not.

Now that we've completed our first week of February, we can all breathe a collective sigh of "excusemewhat?" Yeah, I don't know where January went, either. Next thing you know, it'll be Christmas again and my daughter will be on the brink of her first birthday.

Egads, y'all.
Time needs to slow.

But anyways, we all know that won't happen. So forward we go, on with our bad selves through 2012. I, for one, plan to enjoy it. And I plan to make some changes around here, too. Don't worry, nothing crazy. I've just been thinking (and no, smartypants, I did not hurt myself doing so): How can I better my tiny little plot of virtual land on the Internets? Here's what I came up with.

1) Take and post more pictures.

The kind that come from my very own camera—but don't worry, I won't bore you with five thousand shots of one single bowl of oats. That sorta bugs me, too. Oh, and hey...maybe I can finally find some time (translation: while the babe is asleep) to set up that light box which might further my chances of getting a great shot. Notice I have no shot to give you right now? Ugh, I'm not off to a good start with this one. At least not in the case of this bullet point.

Moving along...

2) Share the fruits of my labor in the kitchen.

Let's face it, I love to cook. And I'm constantly trying new things in the kitchen...well, as much lately as the little bean'll allow me. (Still haven't mastered the art of cooking with one hand.) While I'm far from being a food blog, a big part of living the fit life is eating healthy. I certainly do my best in that department, so why not share that with you? Maybe something I eat will become your new favorite dish or post-workout snack. Never know.

3) Give more glimpses of me.

While the bulk of the activity on this here site will always be centered around fitness, I find myself wanting to share more of, well...myself. I like reading about the lives of the other bloggers I follow, and I feel like they share way more about themselves on a daily basis than I ever have. Don't get me wrong, I can't fathom turning each post into a diary entry. There are some things best left unsaid mostly out of fear that I'd bore you, but the occasional glimpse...that sounds like fun.

4) Work behind-the-scenes.

It might be time for a new (or at least updated) header.
Should I add some tabs to the top?
I haven't updated "Link Love" in a while.
Is there a better way to organize all of those logos?
Maybe I should start a Twitter account.

But all that can wait for right now. It's Super Bowl Sunday. Are you going to a party? Obviously we aren't, choosing instead to watch it from the comforts of our own couch with a snuggable baby between us. And if I'm being completely honest, I couldn't care who wins. I'm less about the match and more about the game and it's surrounding hooplah. The ads, the halftime show, the celebrities, the touchdown dances...AND, it's in Indianapolis. I grew up in northern Indiana so it's kinda cool to see my home state's capitol all over the boob tube. Yeah, Indy—Hoosier pride!

Quick fact: I read somewhere that the average Super Bowl party-goer consumes around 1,200 calories at their party of choice. That's almost a day's worth of calories, so be sure to snack smart tonight. You can do it! Grab a plate, pick the best of the best (or a small taste of the worst) and move on. 

Question: What's on your Super Bowl menu tonight? Anything healthy?


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