Yikes, it's nasty out. I'm headed to Chicago for the Hot Chocolate 15K tomorrow and if that side of the lake is like this side of the lake, I'm in for a bitter cold race. Needless to say, I packed my running coat, hat and gloves for extra warmth.
You'd think I would have chosen the warm Snickerdoodle latte from Dunkin, but you might recall that I'm addicted to iced coffee. So, cold it was. With a side of pumpkin donut:
I took my little out for a mommy/daughter date this morning, which was really me just taking her with me to run some errands. She doesn't know the difference, which is awesome because I'll take whatever time with her she's willing to give me. She's just too much fun.
We stopped to get the oil changed, too. This is a task I hate, and it usually shows:
She, of course, loved it. A totally new experience with much to observe and, consequently, much to ask about:
"Mommy, who's that guy?"
"Can we go now?"
"What's he doing, mommy?"
"Does green mean go?"
"Is he fixing our car?"
"Where are we going next?"
"Mommy, look! A dolphin..."
I don't know why, but they have a fake (and huge) dolphin hanging on the wall. #random
Anyway, we're home now.
And here's my list of November goals:
1) Meal plan every week and make a detailed grocery list.
2) Perfect the art of pour-over iced coffee.
3) Find a new Winter coat. (And some warm clothes, too.)
4) Contemplate some Spring races.
I only came up with a few goals this month because we're entering Holiday season. Which is never a busy season, right? #sarcasm So we'll keep it easy and manageable. And you should, too.
More tips on staying healthy throughout the Holidays will be forthcoming. Stay tuned?
Have a weekend.
Question: How do you feel about cold weather running? Do you take your runs indoors at this time of year? Or do you bundle up? What's your favorite piece of cold-weather gear?