Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Workout Wednesday: Treadmill + Strength

It's been awhile since I've given you any sort of treadmill workout. And since the weather is forcing us indoors a lot more frequently as of late, I thought I'd have at it. So today, I've got a treadmill workout for you. One that has you doing intervals with some traditional body weight exercises. It's a great way to spice up a standard 3-miler. For example, you feel like running...but you don't want to go far...but you want to sweat hard/work hard.

This workout might be your solution.

As always, check with your physician if this is all new to you. Make sure it's right for you before proceeding. Note that I've built this as a running workout, but you can absolutely change the running to walking if that's more your style.

Safety precaution: Absolutely turn off the treadmill when you're not actually running on it. I do not want you flying off the back end or getting shoelaces/fingers stuck in the belt as you work off the side. That said, here's your workout:

Pretty self-explanatory, right? Any questions, let me know: tara (at) adailydoseoffit (dot) com

Question: it or hate it? If you hate it, what do you do to survive it when you're forced to use it?


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