I continue to find myself in awe of
this Under Armour campaign. Did you
join the website yet? Have you discovered #whatsbeautiful yet? Gosh, such a network of inspiration! When you join, you set a goal which you then work toward and, along the way, you link up with others that have similar goals to which ultimately creates your very own network of inspiration. And let me tell you, this is a network that's overflowing with inspiration. And it all stems from Under Armour. So today's Pinspiration Thursday is coming at you from Under Armour:
In other word: Don't give up when the going gets tough. Because that's "when the tough get going." Right? Isn't that a saying from somewhere? Regardless, it's true. Stick with your workouts. Hold that plank for those last few miserable seconds. Work through that last, fatigue-filled repetition. Why? Because you can. Say it: I will. Hashtag it: #IWILL.
In case you need more inspiration:
Did you catch that dynamic pushup/tuck jump combo thing near the end. Go ahead, re-watch it. I'm newly obsessed with being able to do it.
Question: My personal goal on the What's Beautiful site is to maintain my daily dose of fit. So tell me, do you get a daily dose of fit? If not, how often do you work out each week?