I can't stop laughing. Seriously cannot stop. So before I get to the Chai Tea Recharger, I must have you watch this video of Ellen DeGeneres scaring Richard Simmons so you can laugh with me. I love the guy, I really do, but he's absolutely hysterical in every single way possible. (PS—Did you know his real name is Milton Teagle Simmons?) Here's the video (it aired on television over a year ago, and I'm wondering how it took me so long to become acquainted with it):
Good, right? Let's get to that Recharger.
If you recall, I shared a recipe from Oxygen a few days ago and I promised a second one, too. And so, I give you the Chai Tea Recharger. A light and fluffy smoothie that pleases the taste buds and pumps the body with protein and other nutritious goodness. It's not much to look at, but you don't judge books by their covers. Right? So...why Chai? Oxygen explains that it packs a mean anti-inflammatory punch thanks to all the spices within, which is good for those post-workout muscles. You know, the muscles that feel really sore? Chai spices might also boost your metabolism—and who doesn't appreciate that? The recipe:
Oxygen's Chai Tea Recharger
1-1/2 cups Chai tea, brewed and chilled
1/2 cup milk (low-fat, nut-based...you choose)
2 tbsp vanilla protein powder
1 small banana
1 tsp honey
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup ice
Yes, literally...just throw everything into the blender. It makes quite the batch. In fact, I've still got a glass full of it in the 'fridge. (That said, I did choose to make it only half of my meal, not the full thing. So maybe that's why I have some left over.)
Question: What do you consume when you need a recharger? Do you choose a beverage, or something more substantial?
REMINDER! Don't forget to enter my YouBars giveaway! You just might win a free box of customized goodies. (Contest ends at midnight EST on Friday, January 14, 2011).