Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Workout Wednesday: Reps for Time

There are a number of different ways to approach the logistics of your workout. Traditionally speaking, it's quite easy to count a predetermined number of reps. You can lift less weight and do more repetitions to maintain muscle mass and build both endurance and strength, or you can lift more and do less reps. Some argue this approach builds more muscle faster. And that's the beauty of the fitness industry: There are so many different right ways to approach your workout.

Today, I'm going to throw a wrench in the predetermined reps approach and suggest you try reps for time. There are two ways you can do it:

1) Count reps, but time yourself—and aim for less time in each round.
2) Count reps within a predetermined amount of time—and aim for more reps as you go.

Now, I'm not suggesting you rush through those repetitions in either scenario. It's absolutely essential that you move through each one with precision in order to maintain proper form. But you can absolutely introduce a certain amount of swiftness to it. The stronger you get, the more repetitions you'll crank out with excellent form.

I've put together the following workout for you to give either of these rep-for-time methods a try. You'll work each muscle group while getting your heart rate up. It's a bit of a high intensity approach as well, so modify as needed. And always, even though I'm a certified personal trainer, you always need to check with your physician before trying anything new. Train safe, my friends, otherwise you might not be able to train at all (which would be a total bummer).

Please warm up and cool down appropriately! #essential

The workout:


1) Goblet Squats: A wide-leg squat, but you'll need to hold a weight at your chest.

2) Alternating Jump Lunges: Stationary lunges, but with a jump in between during which you'll switch legs. If the jump is too much, you can modify by landing the jump with feet together before hopping back out into your next lunge.

3) Sprinter Crunches: Like bicycle crunches, except you'll aim to get more of your upper body off the ground while bringing a knee to it's opposite elbow across the body.

4) Med. Ball Throwdowns: You'll need a medicine ball (without handles) and plenty of space for this one. Essentially, raise the ball above your head and slam it down to the ground with as much force as you can muster. The bounce of the ball will create a bit of a chase scenario, which will keep you moving.

5) Dead Man Burpees: A regular burpee minus the pushup, but you'll come flat to the ground. Hit the Superman position before you hop back up and repeat.

Any questions? Let me know! Keep track of yourself—I wanna know if/when you hit a new record!


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