Sunday, January 26, 2014

6 Things I'm Loving Right Now

It's Sunday, right? So let's keep it light. How about a post filled with things I'm currently loving! I enjoy it when bloggers do this. Because seriously, in this world we live in, how can I possibly find all the things I should be loving? I need recommendations! I need tips! So here, six things I'm loving right now:

1) Canon Eos Rebel SL1

I've been taking pictures with a Canon point/shoot for years. We bought our latest over four years ago right before we got married. Needless to say, it was starting to show it's age. With another baby on the way, I decided to search for a replacement. Now, I'm not a pro and know very little about these advanced  cameras, so I read a lot of reviews and talked to a few different salespeople before ultimately deciding on the SL1. I loved the smaller body, the user interface seemed friendly, and it was a Canon. Tradition continues. I still have a lot to learn, but so far, I've been loving it.

2) Decaf / Non-Fat / 2-Pump / Caramel Lattes

I've been on a serious Starbucks kick lately. I got a gift certificate for my birthday back in November, and it's been a renewed love affair ever since. I was a few drinks shy of Gold status at the end of the year, which made me angry, so consider me on a mission. With 11 months to go, I think I'll make it. I'm also seriously in love with one of their's tall, skinny and white. And not on their website or I'd show you. But the $22 price tag keeps me away (sad face). Why so expensive?

3) Maternity Fitness Clothes

I never wore maternity fitness clothes when I was pregnant with Hannah. I just scoured the clearance racks for one size up, or bought bubble-style tops that fit the belly. It worked then and does so again now, but I was lucky enough to get a few maternity pieces for Christmas. Seriously, they're awesome. Slow clap for anything from Gap or Old Navy, and I dig these capris from Impact Fitness Wear. 

4) Benefit "Hello Flawless!" Liquid and Powder Foundation

I work at a gym, so honestly, I don't wear a lot of makeup. Sometimes I don't wear any. But if I can, I will because it's so fun to put on. And every time I do, I end up reminding myself how much I love my current foundation. I have the liquid and the powder version, which I only use for touch ups.

5) The New Oxygen Magazine 

If you haven't been reading Oxygen, then you might not know that it folded for a few months when their publishing company closed up shop. I read a lot of fitness magazines, but Oxygen was and always will be my go-to because it's filled with legit information. Needless to say, so glad it's back. And it's looking pretty good these days, too. Seriously, don't be intimidated by all the fit, buff girls within. If you're into health and fitness, you'll learn so much from this publication.

(Note: The following favorite is sponsored by MixMyOwn. While I was not compensated to write this review, they so kindly sent me two bags of cereal to test out. As always, the opinions are my own.)

6) MixMyOwn Cereal

Breakfast is often a quick meal in this house, so I often turn to cold cereal. But I won't eat just any cold cereal, and I get sick of my two favorite brands, so the idea of making my own cereal is quite appealing. And that's exactly what MixMyOwn lets you do. Granted, it's a bit more expensive than your average box from the store, but the end result is a totally worth-it treat.

You can even name your mixes. I went with "The Daily Dose Mix" and "The Tropical Mix" (shown above). The first is a combination of dried berries, almonds, brans and quinoa. The second heads straight to the islands with macadamia nuts, dried banana, mango and pineapple, and oats and millet. My only complaint? The prescribed serving size was really very tiny and not at all equivalent to a typical bowl of cereal. An error on my bag? I'll never know. Regardless, if you're looking to shake up your morning routine, or if you need a fit gift for someone, then I highly recommend MixMyOwn. My two bags were super delish, for sure.

For more information, follow MixMyOwn on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for more information.

BONUS: One thing I'm hating.

1) Old Man Winter

Seriously, this weather can go away now. House-bound this weekend. Missing out on things. But at least I've got the husband and the girl with me.

Question: What are you loving right now?


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