Sunday, June 12, 2011

It was a Blue Diamond sunday.

Do you like Blue Diamond products? As in, Blue Diamond milk...flavored almonds...nut-thins, etc? Me, well I'm a fan of the brand and I partook in it's offerings twice today. All because of that Naturally Savvy gift bag I got a few days ago. (Sign up to win your own if you haven't already!)

It started with almond milk. Vanilla almond milk, which is not my typical choice, but it was tasty none-the-less. I much prefer plain almond milk, but I mixed this version in a breakfast bake. I haven't had a breakfast bake in a while, and this one was particularly tasty:

Let's call it the Blue Diamond Breakfast Bake, complete with fresh blueberries, whole wheat flour, organic maple syrup and strawberries, flaxseed...oh, and a sprinkling of Jessica's Gluten Free Vanilla Maple Granola. Yum. So good. And filling, which is always a plus when it comes to breakfast. At least in my kitchen because I'm typically on the move in the morning more so than any other time of day.

And this thing sure did power me up for a day of packing! You should see our apartment. We have a few walls of boxes, empty counters and's great, but it's uncovering all the dirt which I can't bring myself to tackle just yet. We've been preoccupied with the packing, obviously not cleaning. That'll get done before we hand the keys over, I suppose. But speaking of packing, I took a break to munch on some Blue Diamond Almond Nut Thins.

Really good, these guys. Especially with some garlic hummus. They offer just the right amount of salty flavor in combination with an excellent dose of healthy goodness. No junky ingredients, in other words. Light, crispy...16 crackers qualifies as one serving, which I think is a great number. I hate when they only give you, like...three. What's that? A taste?! Eh. Anyways, here's an outtake from the above photo shoot for your entertainment.

I swear, I can't get the guy to smile nice for a picture, but he's always up for being goofy in front of the lens.

Silly dude.

So in lieu of packing all day and all night, we broke off around 3:00PM and headed down to the bluff for our typical Sunday night routine of reading (Run Like a Girl), relaxing and eating.



Oh, sorry. No pictures of that. We ate Silver Beach Pizza, and when you eat Silver Beach Pizza, you don't bother with cameras. You eat. It's that good. So good, my parents drove 45 minutes north to eat with us. Trust me, you would, too.

And if you do, don't bother eating in the restaurant. Get it to go and curl up on your favorite blanket, picnic-style. Much more fun.

It's a good thing I snagged a 45-minute power walk this afternoon.

Oh, PS: My calves are burning. We did single-leg calf presses in class on Friday, one 15 lb. weight in hand. One set of 15 per side, then two sets of 15 double-leg calf presses. I can hardly walk! This may be a good indication that I've been ignoring my calf muscles. Don't ignore your calf muscles.

Back tomorrow with a quick 15-minute cardio and strength circuit. No equipment necessary! (Get excited.)

Question: Is there a restaurant in your life that you'd drive any distance for? Did you work out today?


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