There are certain things that I add and/or subtract throughout the week. Like my Spinning shoes or dirty clothes and (of course) my water bottle, but for the most part, there are a few basic gym bag essentials that I can't live without no matter what day it is. Or what workout I've got on tap.
1) Deodorant and Body Wipes
I don't always get to shower between things, so I often use body wipes to get rid of the sweat. And I always feel better when I reapply deodorant. I mean, who wants to stink? Not me. And I bet you don't either, so make sure you have shower alternatives at the ready.
2) Snacks
I am always hungry. Like, always. So there's a pocket pantry in my gym bag. I keep it stocked with plenty of options, because I never know what I'll be in the mood for until the hunger pangs strike. And, as we all know, it's best to exercise with a little fuel—and it never hurts to refuel when you're done.
3) Shoes
I always have a pair of shoes in my gym bag. There is nothing worse than getting to the gym and realizing that you don't have suitable shoes to wear. This is especially important if you live somewhere that requires repetitive use of snow and/or rain boots, or if you're always in flip-flops.
4) Pen and Paper
My notebook is full of class ideas, training plans and random notes. Sure, I could use my smartphone to keep track of all this, but I like the old-fashioned route when it comes to logging things. Do what works best for you, as always.
5) Earbuds
Or headphones. I like to be entertained when I'm working out, so forgetting my earbuds is second only to forgetting my shoes when it comes to ranked annoyances. I have a few pairs of buds, so I keep one in my bag at all times. (Thong Song Radio on Pandora and the Drop-A-Beat playlist on Songza are phenom if you like to lift to booty music.) (Just saying'.) (Don't judge me.)
Question: What are some of your gym bag essentials?