Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The #milliondollarmarathon goes #CoastToCoastForCancer.

Today's post is devoted to a great cause: The fight against cancer. In this day and age, it's hard to find someone that isn't affected by it in some way. You might not have it, but you probably know someone that does. Even if you don't, you know in your heart that it affects far too many people. We just need to find a cure, one way or another. The problem: Finding a cure...it's expensive. But totally worth every penny that goes into it. So what do we do? We give. We dig deep into our pockets and give our pocket change to this important cause. Why? Because cancer sucks. And it needs to end.

Meet my friend Allison. She doesn't have cancer, but she's out there raising money to help find the cure. She's not going door to door, Allison is running mile to mile. She's running a marathon, actually, and she's one of many doing the exact same thing. Today, if you're feeling generous, I'm asking you to support her great cause. I'll let Allison tell you more about it.

This summer, I will be a member of a team of 160 cancer survivors and supporters embarking on a 4,000 mile run across America. Yes, we're traversing the United States entirely on foot. One lone runner will lace up his shoes in Ocean Shores, Washington with a baton in hand and run 26.2 miles east to his teammate who will be ready to carry that baton onward. This sequence will be repeated until the baton reaches Rehobooth Beach, Delaware where it's holder will triumphantly run into the ocean to celebrate.

One marathon at a time, our team will cross 15 states and more than 500 communities as we work to pass the baton from the Pacific to the Atlantic. It's not a race because we're literally the only team doing this. It's called the Million Dollar Marathon, presented by Above + Beyond Cancer which is a public charity with a mission to elevate the lives of those touched by cancer to ultimately create a healthier world. Our goal as a team is to raise one million dollars. The organization plans to use the event to educate the public about the connections between cancer, diet and exercise while raising money for cancer research and programs that support cancer survivors and their families.

The baton reaches Denver, Colorado on July 9, 2013 and I will run it 26.2 miles East.

I'm running for those who can't because cancer did an ugly thing and took that option from them—like my cousin Michael who never got the chance to celebrate his 10th birthday. I'm doing this for everyone fighting the fight, taking swings at this monster with everything they have. For those who have lost. And for the many more who will win.

The miles will pass. The days will turn into nights. Miley Cyrus will undoubtedly play on my iPod. And at the end of it all, we'll be one million dollars closer to a cure. Dear cancer, you can't rob our bothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, aunts and uncles, students, friends, or neighbors from the option to run this marathon themselves and think you'll get away with it. Running a marathon is hard. But you know what's harder? Looking cancer square in the face and saying "game on."

But you know what? Game on.

Please donate if you can. Help our generation see the end to that "punched in the stomach" feeling at the news that someone we love has been diagnosed with cancer. Help us beat this.

Want to learn more about Allison? Follow her blog, the finish line beer, where she talks candidly (and quite hilariously) about her life in running shoes. You'll also meet Abbey, her four-legged running partner. Never a dull moment with these two, I swear.

Thanks for helping Allison raise money for such a great cause. Every dollar donated puts us one step closer to finding that cure.


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