Sunday, March 24, 2013

#ChiWomensHalf Training Update, Week 3

Three, three and four miles. Done and done. For good, actually. This is the last week that I run those distances in that particular order. Time to up the ante. I'm feeling good about it. Today's four-miler felt strong, even though I ran it on the treadmill. I somehow got myself through it. Gosh, I can't wait to get back outside—Still haven't been able to do that. And I'm still trying to figure out how to get some Yoga back into my life. So far, I've only been able to pull a few moves out of my pocket in combination with some regular stretching moves. Ugh, right? Not enough.

But, the legs are strong and that's huge for me. Let me clarify—My legs have always felt strong, thanks to years of gymnastics and cheerleading, but this time around...this training feels different. I think it's because I am Spinning consistently. I never really did any cross training the last few times around (except for the strength training), and the last time I ran a half...well, let's just say the last three miles felt less than wonderful.

I teach Spinning once a week, sometimes twice if I have to sub a class. This last week, though, I didn't teach at all because Hannah was sick on Tuesday and I had to keep her home from the gym. I did, however, try out a few Sufferfest videos with my dad on Saturday.

Please note the "I will beat my ass today to kick yours tomorrow" tagline.

He's got a Spinning bike at home, and he set up his road bike on a trainer. Holy hard, man. If you're looking for some cycling videos, these are definitely good options. Geared toward the road biker, for sure, but if you're a seasoned Spinning student then I think you could follow along with ease. I mean, don't misinterpret my use of "ease."

And now, Sunday night. Time to prep for the week.

Question: What's on your fitness agenda this week?

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