I spent some time reflecting on this past year, and now I'm fully immersed in my hopes for 2016.
What will I accomplish?
What will I change?
What will I learn?
What will I do?
It remains to be seen.
What I do know is that I want every day to be a great day, which is why I'm going with this 2016 page-a-day calendar for the third year in a row:
It's that good.
Today's quote is amazing. It reminds me, as I sit here pondering my plan for 2016, that I can do anything I put my mind to. Nothing...absolutely nothing is impossible. And if it is, that just means there's another way of accomplishing whatever goal or dream is at the forefront of my thinking.
Yours, too.
Nothing is impossible, friend.
You can do whatever it is you want to do.
Also, you can win this very calendar.
I contacted my friends at Page-A-Day to see if they'd be willing to share a copy of this calendar with one lucky Daily Dose reader, and they so graciously agreed to. So, in addition to my own calendar, I have one here for you! Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. I'll pick one reader after the contest closes at Midnight EST on Friday, January 8, 2016.
I'm super excited to share this calendar with one of you!
It's seriously one of my most favorite things ever!