Monday, December 12, 2011

Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Oh, Santa...have I got a plate of cookies for you.

Some healthy chocolate chip cookies, to be exact, and it's perfectly acceptable to consume more than one. Except you might wish to save them for the sleigh ride home. It'd be totally worth it.

And you, dear readers, might wish to save them for...well, I can't think of a reason you'd want to save these bad boys. But if you can, then you should. They're so incredibly good, and having a few in your cookie jar or freezer wouldn't do anyone an ounce of harm! They're actually good for you, which isn't something a lot of cookies can claim. Especially at this time of year when sugar and candies reign supreme in almost every cookie recipe.

Let's take a closer look at them:

Would you believe that there are only seven ingredients in this recipe? Yep, just seven. All of them healthy. Well, if you buy the right chocolate. Not all chocolate is created equal. I used semi-sweet chocolate chips simply because I had them in my freezer, but I would have preferred a chopped up dark chocolate, minimal sugar type of chocolate bar.

Sometime you just have to make do, oh darn.
They still turned out pretty good, despite the not-as-good chocolate.

Maybe it was the spatula.

OXO sent me a free spatula so that I might feel so inclined to speak about the spatula itself—it represents OXO's mission to help fund pediatric cancer research and to increase awareness about their Cookies for Kids' Cancer charity. Something I'm all too willing to promote, given that I'm about to have a child of my own. According to OXO, "over 25% of kids diagnosed with cancer do not survive because of a lack of effective therapies." Why this lack? Funding, obvi. So 50% of the profits associated with OXO's Limited Edition Cookie Spatula will help support Cookies for Kid's Cancer, OXO's effort to "provide inspiration and support for individuals, communities and businesses to help fight pediatric cancer through the concept of local bake sales."

Who doesn't love a good bake sale, right? Especially one that supports such a great cause. And who, if we're being really honest, wouldn't love a spatula that says "be a good cookie" on it?!

 Everyone needs a spatula, and it might as well be cute—bonus points that it supports a charity that really, truly does much for the kids of this world. Let's not forget about that.

You can purchase one for the fit foodie on your list at your local Bed, Bath & Beyond. (Find additional retail outlets.) You can also order it from Amazon. Or... can win one! SURPRISE! Another giveaway comin' at ya! Isn't this time of year just grand? I love giving presents to people! It's so much fun to light up someone's life in this way.

(Unfortunately, this giveaway is only open to my readers living in the States. My deepest apologies go out to those of you that don't. I know, total bummer.)

To win, simply leave a comment on this post in which you tell me your favorite cookie of all time. Leave your email address in case you win. You can also:

1) Like Daily Dose on Facebook.
2) Subscribe to Daily Dose emails.

Oh, here's the cookie recipe:

Inspiration: Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies, Clean Eating Magazine

• 1/2 cup almond butter
• 1/2 cup peanut butter
• 3/4 cup cinnamon infused palm sugar
• 1 egg
• 1/2 tsp baking soda
• 1 tsp sea salt
• 1/3 cup dark chocolate chunks

1) Preheat oven to 350F.

2) Combine wet ingredients, then add dry (including chocolate) and mix until well combined.

3) Scoop onto a cookie sheet, then bake for 10 minutes (give or take, depending on your oven).

That's it! So easy. Now go, make them. If this doesn't entice you, I don't know what will:

Giveaway ends Wednesday, December 14, 2011—it's a quickie, so enter now! The winner will be announced on Friday, December 16, 2011. G'luck!


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