Thursday, November 1, 2012

5 Ways to Combat Childhood Obesity

Have you guys heard of PokitDok? It's an online community that empowers people to take control of their own health and wellness by simply connecting them to other individuals with similar experiences and credible resources. It's great, really, and I'll be partnering with them over the next few weeks on a series of blog posts. The first of which discusses "five ways to combat childhood obesity."

It's a topic that hits close to home these days as my little bundle of joy is exploring new foods and getting more and more active. A pattern I hope she continues for a very long time. So head on over to PokitDok and check out my first post. And if you feel so inclined, connect with them on Facebook and Twitter, too. Show 'em some love, eh?!

Speaking of love. Got some from Chobani today:

I never know which one to eat first. I know I'm savin' the Plain for Hannah. She loves it with some mashed bananas. She loves it, but also makes the funniest of faces when she eats it. Like, "this is kinda weird mom...kinda sour-tasting, but I love it still." I know she loves it because she kicks her feet like mad, which is a sure sign she's ready for more.

Training update: I ran an easy three miles in my new Saucony Triumph 10 shoes. We'll see how they do in this weekend's 9-miler in Chicago. Do you know that I haven't been to Chicago in just about a year?! I cannot even believe it myself. I cannot even begin to describe to you how excited I am to go back, even though it's for a short weekend. I'll take any time in the city, for real.

Question: Have you ever been to Chicago? What's your favorite thing/place/store in the city?

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