Thursday, March 9, 2017

10 Ways to Spring Clean Your Fitness (, a prAna clothing review)

The following post is sponsored by prAna through my partnership with Fit Approach. 
I received an outfit in exchange for my honest review. 

The weather in Michigan is so unpredictable, but warmer(ish) temps and a few drops of rain have been giving us that Spring feeling. It's only the very beginning of March, though. Mother Nature has this funny way of playing snowy cold tricks on us through April. So we'll see. But still, it's beginning to look a lot like Spring—so it's time to start thinking about Spring cleaning.

prana, fitness clothing, yoga clothes, fitfluential, sweat pink
Every once in a while, you have to check in with your fitness routine. If it's going well, great! If not, then it's worth it to make some changes, do some things differently, or seek out new methods of motivation. Let's talk about that today. Let's talk about ten ways to Spring clean your fitness routine.

1) Purchase new workout clothes.
If you're like me, you can't walk into Target or TJ Maxx without buying something for the gym. But hear me out—new gear is so motivating! If you're in a rut, or if you've got a bit fitness event coming up, go buy yourself something new to wear. New clothes have this way of motivating you...they have this way of making YOU feel like new.

Consider this Mika Strappy Top from prAna:

yoga top, open back workout top, yoga, prana
It features an open back, but offers up plenty of coverage in the front.

prana, yoga clothes, fitfluential, sweat pink
The material is incredibly soft and movable. Perfect for all of your favorite twists and turns in yoga class:

yoga clothes, fitness clothes, gym clothes, fitfluential, sweat pink
It pairs perfectly with the Chetan Capri, which fits like butter:

yoga tights, yoga capris, yoga clothes, prana spring collection, fitfluential, sweat pink
You might call this a sustainable article of clothing. It is made with recycled, organic and Fair Trade materials. Really, though...they're just super comfortable capris that won't fall down while you move. And the higher waistband is nice for all of those inverted poses you love so much:

prana spring collection, yoga clothes, yoga poses, down dog, fitfluential, sweat pink
If you want to get your hands on some prAna gear—because you're Spring cleaning your fitness routine—use S4P17DDF at checkout to save 15%!

Speaking of "spring cleaning your fitness routine," let's look at the rest of the list:

2) Hire a personal trainer.
When you don't know what to do, seek help from someone that does! It's that simple. Personal trainers know what to do at the gym. Whether you work with them once a year, twice a month or three times weekly...they'll give you good advice and keep you moving toward your fitness goals. Next time you hit the gym, strike up a conversation with one of the trainers. See if they can help you move past your plateaus.

3) Asses the quality of your running shoes.
If you experience all four seasons, you might be slowly venturing outside again. Before you do, take a look at your running shoes. Check the tread, scope out any obvious wear and tear. And really tune in to how they make you feel while you are running. Need new shoes? Go buy some! (See #1, because new shoes are also motivating.)

4) Decide if what you're doing is actually working for you.
Now is the time to be honest with yourself. Especially if you've set some lofty goals for 2017. Are you still working toward those goals? Is your plan fostering success? If not, decide that you need to make a change. You must be honest with yourself.

5) Try one new thing.
When it comes to health and fitness, you can't let boredom win. Because when your body gets bored, it stops responding to change. And when you need a change, trying something new can be just what the fitness doctor ordered.

6) Read a book related to health or fitness.
If new clothes aren't your thing, maybe a book will reignite your interest in health and fitness. I am currently reading Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight. It reads like a novel and is so incredibly good. Plus, it's getting me psyched for some long-distance outdoor running in this warmer than usual March weather.

7) Buy an amazing water bottle (or at least make sure you always carry your favorite).
Yes, you know—it's important to drink a lot of water. But are you doing that? Are you drinking enough water? If not, get yourself a great water bottle. One that not only functions well, but looks cool, too. Heck, make it an expensive one, because then you'll really want to carry it everywhere!

8) Throw away the comparison trap.
You are you. There is only one of you. Stop looking at someone else and thinking it's how you should be. Be yourself, there is no other. And that's why this world is so amazing. Because we are all different. We all have different goals, and we'll all achieve them in our own special ways.

inspiration, fitspiration, prana spring collection, fitfluential, sweat pink
9) Clean out your refrigerator and pantry.
If you struggle with healthy eating, take a few minutes and rid your refrigerator and pantry of anything that goes against your healthy eating goals. Just do it. Make room for foods that make a difference in your overall health and well-being.

10) Clean your schedule.
If your workout schedule fell off the calendar weeks ago, put it back on. Right now, get your calendar out, and put it back on. Clear yourself some space on your schedule for, well...for YOU. We can clean our house and our cars, we can clean our 'fridge all we want, but if we don't clean our schedules, too, we'll never find time for fitness.

Whether you take time to complete all ten of the items on this list, whether you do just one or two, be sure to stop and breath for a second. We live in a go-go-go society and so much falls through the cracks because of it. Don't let your fitness fall, too. Take a minute to asses your situation so that you can continue going down a road that promotes the best version of you.

Don't forget to use S4P17DDF to take 15% off your prAna purchase!

Question: Out of these ten action items, which would be the most challenging for you to complete? How do you Spring clean your fitness routine?

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